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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/14


论文编号:DSZP032 论文字数:7965,页数:12 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表

 Abstract :Contemporary university campus, the students gradually increased travel. Thinking of them as the most active and strongest ability to accept new things as a group, have become the tourism ranks in a team can not be ignored. Students grasp the motives and characteristics of travel behavior, development of great significance for students travel market. As fashion students, stimulate curiosity, and other psychological effects, its tourism consumer behavior and other groups showed very different characteristics. Therefore, we have visitors on college students to analyze consumer behavior in order to understand its features, to carry out proper guidance, will also benefit students in the development of the tourism market.
 The tourism has it to be in sole possession of the characteristic, the tourism has the strong comprehensive nature and the high industrial interrelatedness, belongs to the multiplication, the trans-region, the trans-departmental comprehensive nature strong industry, the tourism also has the big multiplier effect, is very obvious to national economy''''s drawing function, based on tourism these characteristics, many countries and the area develops the tourism as the national economy pillar industry. 
 This article take the economic and statistics and the market marketing study as the basis, through refers to each kind of literature, unifies the market survey report, studies the university student to travel the consumer market marketing strategy. The first qualitative analysis affects our country tourist income each kind of factor, then system analysis university student own traveling characteristic and marketing research. Finally proposed that the university student travels the consumer market marketing pattern. 
Keywords:University student; Traveling; Marketing strategy; Trend of development

目  录
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
(三)研究的必要性和可行性 1
1. 研究的必要性分析 1
2. 研究的可行性分析 1
二、大学生旅游市场基本现状分析 2
(一)大学生旅游市场现状 2
(二)大学生旅游消费市场营销环境分析 2
1. 政治环境分析 2
2. 社会环境分析 3
3. 人口环境分析 3
 (三)大学生旅游市场消费行为分  3
三、大学生旅游消费市场营销策略 3
(一)进行有效的市场细分 3
(二)开发销售对路的大学生旅游产品 4
(三)树立新营销观念 4
1. 单一化到联合化 4
2. 与旅游供应商紧密联合 4
(四)定价多元化 4
(五)加强旅游淡季市场宣传和促销力度 4
1. 大力宣传,精心策划,为旅游淡季开发市场 4
2. 采用灵活的促销手段 4
(六)开展品牌营销 5
1. 树立体验性老年旅游品牌,深化品牌内涵 5
2. 管理运用多种品牌资源进行品牌营销 5
四、结论 5
致  谢 7
参考文献 8

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