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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD254  附开题报告,任务书,设计图,仿真文件,外文翻译,一稿,二稿,定稿,正文字数:17199,页数:65

摘    要
 系统中,采用十进制数字显示,实现测量正弦信号,方波信号,尖脉冲信号的频率、周期等的基本功能, CPLD与单片机相互结合、取长补短,以达到最佳的效果。
关键词:等精度频率计  CPLD/FPGA  VHDL  显示电路

 With regard to the parameters measured frequency signal,the commonly used method is measuring the frequency of weeks or measurement. However, when the frequency of large changes, such as the range of 100 Hz ~ 100KHz, measuring frequency and method of measurement on the week there is a lot of limitations, difficult to achieve wide-band, high-precision measurements. So, when requires a method of measuring frequency to frequency changes in the scope of the larger signal of the high-precision measurement, it must be used, such as precision of measuring frequency technology.
   The accuracy of the same frequency is a high-precision measurement can be measured the number of signal frequency measuring instruments. It has been widely used in aerospace, aviation, electronics, monitoring and control, automated measurement, and other fields. In this paper, such as use of precision measuring frequency of the principle, to meet the design, and other precision frequency of Objective: Altera Corporation production due to the complex programmable logic (CPLD) EPM7128 with speed and precision timing, and other characteristics at the same time, because of the need to involve the countdown Computing (frequency and cycle countdown relationship to each other), and SCM AT89C51 numerical computing in a very easy and convenient. Therefore, the main hardware from the above two parts. Software, using VHDL language programming in MAX + PLUSII CPLD completed by the middle of the software design, build, debug, simulation and download; compilation of language used in the simulator-fu (wave), the entire circuit test signal control, data operations With the keyboard scanning and digital control of the simulation, including SCM AT89C51 is the main control system components.
   System, using decimal figures show that the realization of measurement sine wave, square-wave signals, a sharp pulse of the frequency of the cycle, and other basic functions, CPLD and SCM integration, learning from, so as to achieve the best results.

Keywords:Equal precision frequency meters  CPLD  VHDL  The show circuit

前    言
 EDA(Electronic Design Automation——电子设计自动化)代表了当今电子设计技术的最新发展方向,通过VHDL硬件描述语言的设计,用CPLD来实现小型电子设备的设计,是开发仪器仪表的主流。目前发达国家在电子产品开发中EDA工具的利用中,大部分的ASIC和CPLD已采用HDL (Hardware Description Language——硬件描述语言)设计。由于VHDL已成为IEEE标准,所以目前的EDA工具可以使ASIC系统的行为、功能、算法用VHDL描述直接生成CPLD器件,使设计者将精力集中于设计构思,提高了设计效率,同时也利于设计的分解、交流和重用。

目    录
第1章  绪论 1
1.1  课题分析 1
1.2  等精度频率计的背景 1
1.3  VHDL语言和Max+Plus II环境简介 3
1.4  课题要求 4
第2章 方案选择及各部件的原理分析 6
2.1  总体方案比较 6
2.2  等精度频率计的测频原理 8
2.2.1频率的测量原理 8
2.2.2 周期的测量原理 9
2.2.3 脉宽的测量原理 10
2.2.4 占空比的测量原理 10
2.2.5 标准频率的发生装置 10
2.3 系统设计方案以及主要组成部分 10
第3章 硬件部分的设计 12
3.1可编辑逻辑器件(CPLD)和AT89C51简介 12
3.1.1  可编辑逻辑器件(CPLD)简介 12
3.1.2  AT89C51单片机简介 14
3.2 等精度频率计各模块功能及电路图 15
3.2.1 键盘控制模块功能 15
3.2.2 显示电路模块功能 16
3.2.3 单片机模块功能 18
3.2.4  信号输入放大和整形模块及其功能 20
第4章 软件设计 21
4.1  CPLD模块的软件设计 21
4.1.1 VHDL语言优点 21
4.1.2 采用VHDL语言设计系统的特点 22
4.1.3 各信号的定义、系统的总体程序及仿真波形图 22
4.1.4 测频和测周期的实现 25
4.1.5测量脉冲宽度和占空比模块的设计 26
4.2  单片机模块程序设计 28
第5章 社会效益及经济效益分析 35
 结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
附录Ⅰ 元器件清单 40
附录Ⅱ 程序清单 41
附录Ⅲ 电路原理图 56

  • 上一篇资讯: 浮点数运算FPGA实现
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