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字数:26453.页数:46   论文编号:JD413



At present, chinese power industry system reform deepening progressively. It is the trend to implement the policy of separating generation from transmission and creating a price competition system in the generation side .In this instance, the research on the bidding strategy theory and decision making support system for the power producers is very important. In this developing background of electric power industries, the researching of assistant“Decision Supporting System”(DSS for short)for electric power utility is a new and hot subject, which has a multi-characteristic of front line, aging, apply and polularizing, and decides the urgence, feasibility and necessity of this writing.
Along with the deregulation of the power system, for power suppliers,constructing an assistant decision marking support system to help them make more efficient management is greatly concerned. Combining with the designs of power market operation system in our country and abroad, the thesis discuss the principle and objective of the decision making support system and put forward the system general design, which comprises the system’s whole structure and components, the functions of each components and the data transfer is also discussed.


目      录

1. 绪论 1
1.1课题的研究背景与意义  1
1.2国内外研究现状  3
1.2.1电价预测研究现状  3
1.2.2发电企业报价策略研究现状  4
1.3电力市场历史及国内电力市场进程 6
1.3.1国外电力市场发展历史 6
1.3.2国内电力市场发展现状  7
2.发电侧电力竞价分析 12
2.1发电侧市场力评价体系研究 12
2.1.1市场力的定义  12
2.1.2市场力评价指标体系的研究与建立 12
2.2发电侧基于博弈论的竞价策略与方法 13
2.2.1博弈论简介  13
2.2.2发电商合谋的规制对策  17
2.3对博弈论在电力市场应用的思考  18
3.发电侧竞价系统软件的设计  20
3.1系统设计原则与目标  20
3.1.1系统设计原则  20
3.1.2系统设计目标   20
3.2系统各模块功能  21
3.2.1信息管理模块  21
3.2.2成本分析模块  22
3.2.3电价预测模块  23
3.2.4发电报价决策模块   23
3.2.5合同管理模块  24
3.2.6结算评估模块  24
致    谢   27
参考文献   28
附    录  29

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