字数:16840.页数:59 论文编号:JD396
This paper mainly designs the electronic draft gage, which is at core of AT89S51. Electronic draft gage ameliorate the traditional pointer type instrument, which change the traditional pointer show into a visual display. Through these it reduce the problems of visual errors.
Pressure sensor changes the detected pressure signals into analog signals of mV level. Then these are magnified 0~5 Voltage signals by amplifier and sent these to the analog input of AD converters. AD converter transforms the analog signals to the corresponding digital signals. And then the MCU reads the digital signals and transforms the corresponding codes. This paper transforms the 8 digital signals that are read into corresponding 0~2000PA pressure through the MCU that display on the four Nixie tubes.
This electronic draft gage also design the alarm function, which is completed through the three keys on the keyboard. The third key open and set off the alarm, the second key is the lower limiting alarm button; the first key is the upper limiting button. The highest ceiling LED displays 0 and flash when the upper limiting button alarm and the higher ceiling LED display 0 and flash when the lower limiting button alarm.
key word:MCU,Pressure,AD converters
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1 简电子风压表的概述 1
1.2电子风压表的特点 1
1.3 主要要求 2
1.3.1参数要求 2
1.3.2 软件要求 2
2 电子风压表的硬件设计 3
2.1 方案论证 3
2.2总体结构图 5
2.3 单片机的简介 5
2.4 AT89S51单片机的硬件结构 6
2.4.1 单片机片内结构 6
2.4.2 AT89S51单片机的内部存储结构 8
2.4.3 晶振频率 8
2.4.4复位操作方式 11
2.5 压力传感器 12
2.6 INA128高精度的通用仪表放大器 13
2.6.1 INA128运放概述 13
2.6.2 INA128运放特点 14
2.6.3放大器参数计算 15
2.7 A/D 转换 15
2.7.1 SPI总线概述 15
2.7.2 SPI总线接口及时序 17
2.7.3 TLC549芯片的简介 17
2.8 显示部分 20
2.8.1 74LS47寄存器 20
2.8.2 74LS138引脚说明 21
2.8.3 共阳极7段LED数码管 22
2.9 键盘系统方案设计 23
2.10 电子风压表的硬件原理结构图 25
3 电子风压表的软件设计 26
3.1主程序 26
3.2 AD转换程序 28
3.3 乘以784程序 30
3.4 二进制转换压缩BCD码程序 32
3.5 压缩BCD转非压缩BCD程序 34
3.6 显示程序 36
3.7 键扫描程序 40
3.8 报警子程序 43
结论 46
致 谢 47
参考文献 48