论文编号:DSZP017 论文字数:7809,页数:12 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表
ABSTRACT:City newspaper which is accompanied by reform and opening up has taken shape. China''''s urban newspapers on the quality of the content has undergone a development from immature to mature stage, and Content is homogeneous phenomenon is the inevitable result of the development of the newspaper market and the problem must be solved. Urban Newspapers content homogeneity led to the development of a number of ways newspapers have imitated and followed, Newspapers style between the various positioning, layout structure, reporting content, the report forms are all in line, Thus weakening the overall competitiveness of the newspaper. How to break the urban class of newspaper homogeneity is the development of a newspaper urgent problem. First of all, the content of resources as the advantages of newspaper resources required to develop and be improved. Both in content production and performance, or in content development and utilization, we need innovative means of competition to stand out in the newspaper. Value of newspaper subscribers, the first is the quality of newspaper, and the second is the service. If the newspaper can be the first step in the differential distribution of the above steps, also won seize market opportunities. Circulation to avoid use of homogeneous distribution channels, using the press release of the industry chain extension, which issued out of running the numerous difficulties. Newspapers must also rely on independent innovation, to construct a comprehensive coverage of the network channels, integrate a variety of community resources to improve the channels of the network coverage.
KEYWORDS: Urban Newspapers, Homogenized, Status quo, Solution
目 录
绪论: 1
一、 都市类报纸同质化现象的概述 1
(一) 报纸同质化的定义 1
(二) 都市类报纸同质化的表现 1
1、 市场定位和读者定位的趋同 1
2 、 新闻来源的趋同 2
3 、 版面内容的趋同 2
4 、 表现手法的趋同 2
5、 发行时间和手段的趋同 2
二、 都市类报纸同质化根源 3
(一) 读者心理需求 3
(二) 都市类报纸综合性特征鲜明 3
(三) 新闻本土化造成新闻内容同质化 3
三 、都市类报纸同质化困境突围之路 4
(一) 重新定位与错位发展 4
(二) 加强读者市场的调查分析 4
(三) 开辟新闻采访渠道,做好独家策划 4
(四) 新闻稿件的有效组合 5
(五) 版面元素的激活 5
(六) 建立报纸品牌 5
(七) 发行服务创新 6
(八) 提高报纸工作者的综合素质 6
四、 结论 6
致谢 8
参考文献 9