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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/27


论文编号:JD1039  论文字数:18928,页数:31,有大图,外文翻译


 WordPad multimedia applications in teaching, the classroom can greatly enhance the amount of knowledge to impart, the speech made by the review can be stored as information on students; can accept students according to ability to further refine the knowledge, the classroom can express their ideas and inspiration; simulated chalk, blackboard excellent teaching methods at the same time the traditional model, but also reduces the labor intensity of teaching people.      Multi-media teaching tablet users through a dedicated stylus to write in a specific area on the board and grass painted to simulate the writing on the blackboard model, regardless of speed or accuracy will be far more than the mouse. The use of this product can quickly simplify the writing symbols, schematic form, expression, process knowledge and methods, such as the site of expression, which is the keyboard, mouse, it is difficult to achieve flexibility.      Tablet is an integrated mechanical, software, communications and electronics, such as an organic unity to the domain. As a team, we need to complete the task is to: (1) the use of VC + +6.0 software products to edit their own application interfaces to make their own style, with hand-written user-friendly information exchange between the board to avoid interference. (2) the use of electromagnetic pressure flu-type, use its good performance, so that users can use it to write to smooth and improve feel. (3) to reduce the voltage requirements of a stylus on a high tablet work to improve stability. (4) the realization of the USB interface, tablet computers and good communication to improve the tablet sensitivity and accuracy. (5) regional development activities to achieve drawing and writing to complete the same interface. (6) of the shortcut keys to frequently used buttons to improve the operability of the tablet. (7) tablet stylus nib is the moving parts, as a result of long, high-frequency and small nib, and its relatively short life in general, we have to improve from their machinery. As a team, my tasks are: 1. The existing principle of tablet research 2. The existing circuit board handwritten 3. Homemade circuit tablet research, experimental design and recording 4. Designed to improve the button functions in the hardware circuit of the improved scheme

目  录
 摘要   3
 Abstract   4
 第1章 绪论   5
 1.1 前言  5
 1.2 数字化输入系统的现状与发展趋势  5
 1.3 研究的主要内容  7
 1.4 小结  8
 第2章 多媒体数字化输入系统的工作原理   9
 2.1 各种手写板的工作原理   9
 2.2 电磁手写板的工作原   9
 2.3 电路结构原理   12
 2.4 联机笔段识别方法的了解   14
 2.4.1联机笔算识别的算法   15
 2.4.2提取笔段  15
 2.4.3识别笔段的方向   15
 2.4.4联机笔段死别算法在嵌入式系统中的是想    18
 小结    18
 第3章 多媒体数字化输入系统的设计   19
 3.1 前言(这种板的应用情况   19
 3.2 手写板的设计   20
 3.2.1完成坐标确认的天线转换开关芯片HC4051   21
 3.2.2完成信号放大的电路芯片14558   22
 3.2.3对信号进行模数转换的芯片HC393D   24
 3.2.4反向电压生成电路HC14    24
 3.2.5中央控制处理器HT46RB70   25
 3.2.6输入手写笔设备   27
 3.3 输入板的设计    28
 结论   30
 参考文献   31
 致谢   32

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