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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD867  附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:11298,页数:34


关键词:电容测量; 电感测量; DDS;  单片机

The design of a high-precision instrument for inductance and capacitor measurement

Abstract: At present, the problem of the light equipment for inductance and capacitor measurement is low accuracy and lacking of intelligence. In view of this reason, the paper introduced a high-precision instrument for inductance and capacitor measurement based on single-chip. As a result of inductance and capacitor are reactors components, DC can not be used to generate measurement signals, but only AC signals. The design adopted AD9850 to produce a high accuracy sine wave signal, which is implemented through the series circuit of the capacity or the inductance and the standard resistance. By measuring the relevant quantity, the “phase+RMS” approach is used to estimate the value of capacitance or inductance.     By taking full advantaged of the single-chip computing and control functions to facilitate the realization of measurement, the measurement accuracy has been enhanced. At the same time, a number of software programs instead of hardware measurement circuit under the hardware architecture invariable situation are applied to modify the software to add new functions,  which may complete a very good measurement of various parameters in order to meet the needs of modern measurement and control system.

Keywords: Capacitance measurement; Inductance measurement ; DDS; Single-chip

1 绪论  1
1.1 背景  1
1.2 目的  1
1.3 意义  1
1.4 论文结构  1
2 系统测试原理与总体方案设计  3
2.1 LC及R(相同原理下的添加)测量原理  3
2.1.1 相位加有效值测量  3
2.1.2 相位加有效值测量方案软仿真  4
2.1.3 系统参数测量方法  5
2.2 总体方案设计  6
2.2.1 系统原理框图  6
2.2.2 整个系统工作流程  6
2.3 系统设计中的难点和关键技术  7
3 硬件中模块设计  8
3.1 标准正弦信号发生模块  8
3.1.1 标准正弦的原理  8
3.1.2 AD9850芯片简介  10
3.1.3 AD9850硬件电路图及单片机程序  12
3.2 -5V电源设计  13
3.3 I-V变换模块  14
3.3.1 I-V变换方案设计  14
3.3.2 I-V变换的硬件电路  14
3.4 同时采样模块  15
3.4.1 同时采样模块的方案设计  15
3.4.2 A/D芯片选择  15
3.4.3 ADS7861芯片介绍  16
3.4.4 ADS7861转换时序的逻辑控制  17
3.5 单片机系统设计  18
3.5.1 SPCE061A单片机概述  18
3.5.2 单片机电源设计  19
3.5.3 SPCE061A最小系统设计  20
3.6 显示模块  22
3.6.1 数码管工作原理  22
3.6.2 数码管显示电路及数码管显示流程图  22
4 系统应用软件设计  25
4.1 数据采集模块程序流程图  25
4.2 中断流程图  26
4.3 主程序流程图  27
5 总结  28
参考文献  29
致谢  30
附录A  31
附录B  33

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