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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD868  附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:18867,页数:38

摘  要:功率因数校正PFC(Power Factor Correction)是治理谐波污染的一种有效方法。论文介绍了传统有源功率因数校正(APFC)的工作原理,分析了其主电路在应用中因二极管反向恢复产生的电流冲击与纹波噪声等问题,设计了一种带中心抽头电感的单相Boost高功率因数校正器,该电路采用平均电流模型UC3854,它通过脉宽调制输出的一连串脉冲信号来控制电路中开关晶体管的导通与截止,从而将输入电流与输出电压的相位重新调整到同相状态,最终达到功率因数校正的目的。

The design of power factor correction

Abstract:PFC (Power Factor Correction) is an effective method to reduce harmonic currents in power grids. The principle of traditional active power factor correction (APFC) are introduced, the paper anylyses the current impact and the ripple noise problems owing to the diode reverse recovery abo and ut PFC main circuit which is in practical applications. A single-phase Boost power factor corrector with centrally tapped inductor is designed. Using the average current model,UC3854 controls the state of the switching transistor in the circuit by outputting a series of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signals, By this mean, it readjusts input current and output voltage to synchronization , thus fulfilling power factor Correction.
Compared with the main circuit of traditional PFC, only several windings are added on magnetic ring and tapped, which effectively suppresses the impact current, reduces the ripple noise and improves the reliability of PFC main circuit. Problems of cusp distortion, output voltage shifting and output voltage regulation with heavy load are analyzed and solutions are given respectively. At the same time, protecting circuit for pins of UC3854 and current amplifier clamping circuit to limit the output voltage swing are designed. The simulation and experiment show that, the proposed PFC design is rational, reliable and compatible with popular PFC control circuit, while its power factor reaches 0.999.

Key word: power factor correction, rectifier,UC3854

摘  要 I
Abstract II
1 引  言 3
1.1 课题研究的意义 3
1.2 功率因数校正技术的研究现状 4
1.3 主要研究内容 4
2 单相功率因数校正的基本原理 5
2.1 功率因数的基本概念 5
2.1.1 功率因数的定义 5
2.1.2 功率因数PF与总电流谐波畸变(THD)的关系 5
2.1.3 功率因数校正的分类 6
2.2 有源功率因数校正的基本原理 6
2.3 APFC的典型控制方法 7
2.3.1 峰值电流型控制(Peak Current Mode Control) 7
2.3.2 电流滞环控制(Hysteresis Current Control) 8
2.3.3 平均电流型控制(Average Current Mode Control) 10
3 有源功率因数校正主电路方案论证 11
3.1单相功率因数校正电路在实际应用中的问题 12
3.2 三种改进型单相功率因数校正主电路拓扑 13
3.3 方案比较 15
4  500W Boost型PFC电路的设计 15
4.1 功率因数校正芯片UC3854 15
4.1.1 UC3854简介 15
4.1.2 引脚功能概述 16
4.1.3 UC3854保护功能 18
4.2 Boost型PFC实验电路的技术指标及PFC目的 18
4.2.1 系统的主要技术指标 18
4.2.2  PFC的目的 18
4.3 系统主电路的设计 18
4.4 基于UC3854芯片系统控制电路的设计 21
4.4.1 外围电路的设计 21
4.4.2 电流误差放大器补偿网络的设计 24
4.4.3 电压误差放大器补偿网络的设计 25
4.5 功率因数校正器的优化设计 25
4.5.1 传统校正电路及其存在问题 26
4.5.2 主电路性能优化设计 27
4.5.3 控制电路优化设计 27
5 系统仿真及分析 29
5.1 输入电压输入电流波形仿真 29
5.2 谐波分析 30
5.3 关键点波形 32
5.4 应用Protel绘制原理图 33
结  论 37
参考文献 35
致谢 36

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