论文编号:JD1099 论文字数:5423,页数:22
摘 要
In this paper, the principle of infrared emitter and receiver has been introduced as well as its characteristics, and a simple circuit of its application has been presented. A simple infrared remote-control alarm circuit based on the single-chip microprocessor of AT89C51 has been designed. The infrared ray has the advantages of low cost, controllable transmission range and direction, without electromagnetic interference, etc. and has been widely used in various technical fields.
Key words
Infrared Emitter; Infrared Receiver; Single-chip Microprocessor
目 录
1. 引言 1
2. 设计方案思路 2
3. 总体设计 2
4. 硬件设计 1
4.1 硬件介绍 1
4.2 硬件电路 2
4.2.1 红外对射电路 2
4.2.2 显示电路原理 3
4.2.3 报警电路原理 4
5. 软件设计 5
5.1 总体方案 5
5.2 程序流程图 5
5.3 模块说明 6
6. 制作与调试 7
6.1 硬件电路的布线与焊接 7
6.2 调试 8
7. 结论 8
参考文献 9
谢 辞 10
附件1.红外线收发技术系统原理图 11
附件2.红外线收发技术PCB图 13
附件3.程序清单 14
附件4 元器件清单 16
附件5 实物图 17