论文编号:JD1127 论文字数:14524,页数:32 附开题报告,任务书
本课题运用红外线感应开关的原理,该系统由传感器、放大电路,延时电路等相关模块电路组成 。本设计主要采用热释电红外传感器,通过它将接收到的微弱信号加以放大,然后驱动继电器,制成红外热释电感应开关,从而控制照明灯的亮灭。该传感器能探测来自移动人体的红外辐射,只要人体进入探测区域,开关就会自动开启。该设计可作为企业、宾馆、商场及住宅的走廊、楼梯、 卫生间等处的自动开关,起到“人来灯自亮,人走灯自灭”的作用,既新颖方便,又节约用电。本设计结构简单,本身不发任何类型的辐射,器件功耗很小,价格低廉,隐蔽性好,应用范围广,所以可以通过扩展而达到实际的应用。
关 键 词:传感器 红外热释电感应 555芯片
放大电路 延时电路
pyroelectric infrared sensor, through which it will receive the weak signals to be larger, and then drive relay, made of pyroelectric infrared sensor switch, thereby controlling the bright lights eliminate.The sensor can detect infrared radiation from the mobile body, as long as the human body into the exploration area, the switch will automatically open.The design can be used as businesses, hotels, shopping malls and residential corridors, staircases, bathrooms, etc. auto-switch, saying "people come to light from the bright lights from the left and destroy" role, both new and convenient, but also to conserve electricity.The design structure is simple and does not itself issued any type of radiation, the device power consumption is very small, inexpensive and good for hiding, wide range of application, it can be extended to achieve practical application.
Keyword: transducer pyroelectric infrared sensor 555chip Amplifier circuit delay circuit
1.引言 4
1.1红外传感器的基本知识 6
1.2热释电传感器的原理及特性 7
1.3热释电红外传感器的功能和应用 9
2、总体方案设计 11
2.1 方案一 :(基于单片机与热释电传感器的控制电路) 11
2.2 方案二 : (利用红外热释电感应开关控制电路) 12
3、系统硬件电路设计 13
3.1 热释电红外传感器接收电路的设计 13
3.2信号放大电路的设计 15
3.3时基电路的设计 17
3.4复位电路的设计 21
3.5电源部分电路的设计 23
4、电路的安装与调试 25
4.1电路的安装 25
4.2 电路的调试 26
5、结论 29
6、致谢 30
7、参考文献 31
附录一 原理图及元件清单 32