论文编号:JD814 论文字数:5898,页数:21
摘 要:红外遥控密码锁以单片机为中央处理器,由AT89C51编程实现的发射电路和AT89C52控制的接收部分构成,短距离红外遥控技术和电子密码锁技术相结合的系统解决方案,本设计给出了硬件电路和软件结构,详细叙述了系统硬件线路的设计要点和结构,以及软件的设计要点,同时给出了各个重要子程序的流程图,遥控距离在室内可达14m,在室外也可达10m以上,电路有极高的稳定性和译码准确性、高效性。
The design of infrared remote control code lock
Abstract: The design of infrared remote control code lock is in the central of processing unit, from the launch of programming AT89C51 and AT89C52 control circuit to receive parts, short-range infrared remote control technology and electronic code lock system technology solutions, hardware design is given circuit and software architecture, system hardware described in detail the design features of lines and structures, as well as the design features of the software at the same time gives the flow chart of each and every major subroutine, remote control from up in the indoor 14m, outdoor is also up to more than 10m circuit by the high stability and decoding accuracy, efficiency.
Keywords: code lock; single-chip; infrared remote control
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
2 系统方案设计 1
2.1 预期达到的性能 1
2.2 系统组成框图 1
2.2.1 初始密码的设置 2
2.2.2 密码显示与开锁 2
2.2.3 密码的修改 3
2.2.4 密码错误报警 3
2.2.5 遥控开锁 3
3 功能模块设计 4
3.1 红外线的发射和接收 4
3.1.1 编码 4
3.1.2 调制 5
3.1.3 解调 5
3.1.4 解码 6
3.2 键盘 7
3.3 AT24C02存储器 8
3.4 Max7219显示驱动器 8
3.5 系统原理图 11
4 软件设计 11
5 调试与总结 14
参考文献 15
谢 辞 16
附:红外的发射与接收程序 17