论文编号:JD768 论文字数:20312,页数:50
关键词: 低频信号;波形;频率增减
This paper introduce simple low-frequency signal generator system.The reason say it simple because the whole system design''s tightness is the simple several kind of profile occurrence installment, moreover the frequency is relatively very low.
This article was mainly revolves the sine wave, the triangular wave, the square-wave signal correlation theories and the practice application has conducted the research. The primary coverage is according to the project request, designs the corresponding hardware circuit to have these kind of profiles. In the article narrated the system hardware line''s design main point and the structure and software''s realization in detail. And proposed in the article one kind realizes the frequency fluctuation design method through the pressed key, has given this design method detailed principle explanation and the concrete designa circuit.
In this article design the electric circuit and the control method is suitable for the common simple signal generating device system design, the hardware design also has certain usability and the versatility. We will develop the large-scale practical supply oscillator to later to have certain minimum and the instruction function.
Keyword:Low-frequency signal;Profile;Frequency fluctuation
摘要 1
Abstract 2
绪论 3
第一章 总体设计思路 5
1.1 课题背景、目的及意义 5
1.2 主要内容及本人完成的任务 6
第2章 低频信号发生器的方案研究 7
2.1 信号发生器的设计方法 7
2.2 方案的确立 7
第三章 器件选择和硬件设计 9
3.1控制器件的选择 9
3.1.1单片机技术的发展 10
3.1.2 AT89C2051 11
3.2 AT89C2051工作的最小系统 14
3.2 数模转换DAC0832 19
3.2.1 DAC0832工作方式 21
3.2.2 DAC0832与AT89C2051连接 22
第四章 软件设计 23
4.1程序流程图 24
第五章 系统设计工具 28
5.1硬件设计工具 28
5.2软件设计工具 36
第六章 系统调试 40
6.1硬件调试 40
6.2软件调试 40
6.3整体系统调试 40
结 论 41
致谢 42
参考文献 43
附录一:SCH图 44
附录二:源程序 45
附录三:器件列表 49