论文编号:JD813 论文字数:4618,页数:12
摘 要:无线对讲机具有使用简单、不受网络限制、通话成本低、适用范围广等优点。它是在鉴频、混频等技术的基础上,利用无线电通信原理研发的一种通信方式。本文设计了一种简易、低成本的对讲机电路,对关键电路及主要的电路元件做了介绍。
关键词: 无线通信;元件;对讲机
The Circuit Design of theWirelessWalkie-Talkie
Abstract: Walkie-talkie has advantages such as easy to use, without network restrictions, low cost communication and wide range of application . It is a method of communication on the basis of the frequency distinguishing and mixing techniques, developed on the radio communication principle. In this paper, the design of a simple, low-cost walkie-talkie circuit and main circuit of the key components of the circuit is introduced
Key words: Wireless communication;Components; Interphone
摘 要 I
Abstract I
1引言 1
2对讲机原理及硬件设计 1
2.1 对讲机的工作原理 1
2.2硬件设计 2
3电路调试及遇到问题的解决方法 6
3.1电路调试方法 6
3.2遇到的问题及解决的方法 6
4结论 8
参考文献 8
谢 辞 9