论文编号:JD315 论文字数:7387,页数:23
关键字:AT89C51 LED显示 交通灯
The intersections vehicle wears shuttle, pedestrian Xi Rang, garage driveway, person''s sidewalk, orderly.So depend what to carry out this well arranged order?What to depend is a traffic sign light of automatic conductor system.The control method of the traffic sign light is a lot of.This design is mainly divided into five greatest molds a piece the electric circuit, clock of the importation control a control outside procedure inside the electric circuit, slice to cut over a control and shows electric circuit.Take single slice the machine IntelAT89 C51 of the serieses MSC-51s as a center spare part to design transportation light controller, carried out the AT89 C51''s P''s 0 people''s constitution of the chips red, the function in bright time of green light, Huang2 Deng Ran2;For the sake of system stability the credibility adopted a 74 LS14 airtight trigger eliminate of machine chip to tremble electric circuit especially, avoided system because of importation the signal tremble movable property to living a mistake operation;The P 2 people who shows that time directly passes the AT89 C51 output, is driven LED figures a tube by the CD4511 to show red-light Ran bright time.
Key word: The AT89 C51 LED show transportation light
摘要 3
Summary 3
任务要求 4
一 总体方案设计 5
1.1方案比较 5
方案一 5
方案二 5
1.2 方案论证与确定 6
二 原理分析 6
2.1工作原理简介 6
2.2 总体方框图 7
2.2消抖电路 7
2.3振荡、时钟电路和CPU时序 8
2.3.1 振荡、时钟电路 8
2.3.2 CPU时序单位 8
2.4 复位电路 9
2.5 LED驱动电路 9
2.5.1 CD4511集成块 9
2.5.2 LED数码管 11
2.6 AT89C51芯片控制电路 11
2.6.1 AT89C51芯片简介 11
三 AT89C51控制程序和流程图 14
3.1 程序 14
3.1.1 主程序 14
3.1.2 INT0中断停止子程序 14
3.1.3 INT1中断开始子程序 15
3.2 程序值算法 18
3.2.1 P0口的算法 18
3.3 程序流程图 18
四 元件参数设定 20
4.1 复位电路元件选择 20
4.2 消抖电路元件选择 20
五 系统调试 20
5.1 系统的调试与故障排除 20
5.1.1 硬件调制 20
5.1.2 软件调制 20
5.2 系统的实际效果 20
六 设计总结 21
七 致谢 21
致 谢 21
八 考文献 21
附录 1 单片机制作流程 22
附录 2 系统原理图 23