论文编号:JD811 论文字数:6897,页数:20
The design of Detection and Alarm for Formaldehyde Concentration
Abstract:Designed a portable detection and alarm circuit for quantifying formaldehyde concentration in the air. The detection circuit is composed of the sensor, operational amplifier, A / D converter, microcontroller, display circuit and alarm circuit, such as some parts. The detection and alarm circuit of formaldehyde gas in response to the high sensitivity, good stability and low cost, power consumption in small, easy to operate, suitable for indoor formaldehyde detection.
Key word: Formaldehyde concentration;Sensor; Detection; Circuit designed
摘要 I
Abstract I
引言 1
1 检测电路的工作原理 1
2 硬件电路设计 1
2.1 甲醛传感器的选择 1
2.2 温度补偿及I/U转换放大电路 4
2.2.1 温度补偿电路 4
2.2.2 I/U转换放大电路 4
2.3 A/D转换电路 5
2.4 ATC89C51单片机 6
2.4.1 单片机介绍 6
2.4.2 单片机最小应用系统及报警电路 8
2.5 显示电路 8
2.6 总体检测电路 9
3 软件设计 11
3.1主程序 11
3.2 显示子程序 11
3.3 A/D转换测量子程序 12
4 结束语 12
参考文献 13
谢 辞 14
附录 程序代码 15