论文编号:JD696 论文字数:11364,页数:25
摘 要:设计针对汽车行驶中的安全问题,研究了一种用于智能车辆的机器视觉系统,对汽车在行驶过程中偏离车道时给予警告信号。提出一种基于DSP的机器视觉解决方案,利用DSP芯片、视频处理芯片等对系统作了硬件实现。首先论证了开展智能车辆机器视觉系统研究的必要性,技术可行性和发展前景,介绍了系统的组成要素和技术支撑。结合我国实际情况,分析了智能车辆机器视觉系统DSP实现的学术意义和应用价值。系统硬件以TI的TMS320C5410为中央处理器负责图像处理,视频解码芯片进行图像采集与转换,CPLD完成各种接口逻辑和时序匹配。系统采集的图像数据存放在双口RAM中,每帧采集完成后通过中断方式通知DSP读取,DSP对一帧图像处理完后,如果测算的距离小于安全距离,就通过异步串口启动语音报警单元实现语音报警。最后还对系统各部分的接口程序作了详细的说明,并给出了部分源程序代码,以及系统硬件连接的电路原理图。
Abstract:Aiming at the safety problem of vehicle driving, this thesis studies a machine vision system that can be used by Intelligent Vehicle, which give alarm to the drive when the automobile is to drive from the driveway。 And present a design scheme about machine vision based on DSP。 Then the system is implemented with hardware including DSP video input processor etc。 Above all, this thesis proves the necessity of the research about machine vision of Intelligent Vehicle, the feasibility of the technology and its developing trends, and then introduces the several important elements of the system。 The system hardware take TI TMS320C5410 as the CPU be responsible for the picture processing, the video frequency decoding chip carry on images collect and conversion, the CPLD complete various connecter logic and cycle times to match。 The acquired images of the system are stored in the dual-RAM。 If one frame is finished, an interrupt signal will be sent to the DSP。 Then the DSP reads these data, processes them rapidly and calculates the distance。 If the distance is less than safety distance, the voice alarm unit will be started by the UART。 Interface programs of all section are introduced specially and some source codes are given,also the circuit diagram of the system hardware connectivity。
Keywords:Machine vision, images collect, DSP, video frequency decoding chip, voice alarm
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1 引言 3
1.1 问题的提出 3
1.2 国内外的研究现状 3
1.3 设计的主要内容 3
2系统基本原理及硬件设计 5
2.1 基本原理 5
2.2 图像采集模块 5
2.2.1 CCD摄像头安装 6
2.2.2 视频解码芯片SAA7111A 6
2.2.3 I2C总线 8
2.2.4 CPLD器件 8
2.2.5 双口RAM 9
2.3 图像处理模块 10
2.3.1 图像处理芯片(DSP) 10
2.3.2 外部存储空间 12
2.3.3 电源和复位电路 12
2.4 语音输出模块 13
2.4.1 语音报警芯片XF1M01 14
2.4.2 UART芯片和电平转换芯片 15
3 系统软件设计 17
3.1 主程序设计 17
3.2 I2C总线写程序 17
3.3 UART输出子程序 20
4 结论 22
谢辞 23
参考文献 24