论文编号:JD815 论文字数:9831,页数:20
Design Of Speech Recognition System Based On 61MCU
Abstract: Speech recognition is to achieve an important man-machine communication technology. In this paper, a SPCE061A-based single-chip speech recognition system, focused on hardware design and implementation of subsystems. Completed for a particular person, a small vocabulary and isolated word speech recognition for embedded systems development. First of all, the process of introduced speech recognition in all aspects of its implementation, a hardware identification system design, software development and system debugging. In this paper, the final design of the system application-specific identification of who carried out a series of experiments (including isolated words, words and phrases). The experimental results show that the system has a better recognition effect.
Keywords: Speech Recognition;Embedded System;Man-machine communication;SPCE061A MCU
摘要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 1
1.1 语音信号处理的意义 1
1.2 本文研究的意义 1
2 语音识别概述 2
2.1 识别单元的选取 3
2.2 特征参数提取技术 3
2.3 建模技术 4
3 通过SPCE061A实现语音识别 5
3.1 SPCE061A单片机概述 5
3.2 SPCE061A芯片 5
3.2.1 SPCE061A芯片介绍 5
3.2.2 SPCE061A结构 6
4 语音识别的软/硬件条件 6
4.1 音频输入电路 6
4.2 音频输出电路 7
5 特定人语音识别 9
5.1 特定人语音识别程序流程 9
5.2 特定人语音识别实验 10
5.3 程序测试 11
5.4 训练时注意事项 11
6 总结 12
参考文献 13
谢 辞 14
附 录 15