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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD525 论文字数:18198,页数:33  

摘  要

该论文详尽的阐述了基于89C52的多通道数据采集卡的设计原理和过程,采用Atmel公司生产的89C52单片机作为微处理器,以数/模转换器MAX197作为A/D转换器件,使数据采集精度达到0.1%FS。论文所设计的采集卡具有8个通道,通过单片机编程选择所需通道的电信号进行采集。每个通道的电压测量范围可以从0V到5V,单通道采集速度可达100kSPS。在89C52基础上还扩展了显示接口、A/D转换模块、通讯模块等模块功能。另外,根据系统硬件结构、功能要求以及89C52的各个功能模块的特性编制了外部中断程序、定时器控制程序、通讯程序;通过RS-232和RS-485 接口与计算机连接进行数据传输,使用Delphi 6.0编制了上位机通讯软件,绘制了拥有实时数据采集和动态采样曲线等功能的显示界面;并用汇编语言对下位机的数据采集程序,接收和发送程序进行了编译。实现了上位机与下位机的通讯。最终利用Protel.dxp软件印制仿真电路板,对系统进行调试,分析并解决了系统在应用中所出现的问题。




In this paper,the research of the principal and process of the data-sampling card which is based of AT89C52 is expatiated in detail.The text uses MAX197 as an A/D converter and the precision of the acquisition can reach 0.1%FS .The instrument has eight channels,it can selects an electrical signal in one certain channel via using SCM programming.The voltage sampling scope of each channel can be from 0V to 5V,and the speed can reach 100kSPS when collecting with only one channel.The use of 89C52 microprocessor is to design a small-scale data-acquisition system, which includes keyboard module, show module, A/D module, and communication module. The data is transmitted to computer by isolated RS-232 and RS-485 interface. Delphi 6.0 is used to workout the software to achieve the target of communicating between the PC and the chip.What is more,a show interface ,which have some functions such as instantaneous data sampling and dynamic sampling curve, is protract by the software.Besides,compilation language is used to program the chip,including data sampling program,incepting program and sending program. Finally we use Protel DXP to print samulink PCB board and adjust the speed, And debug the system ,analyzing and solving the problem which appears in the procedure in debugging .

Keywords: Data-acquisition;89C52;Communication


目  录
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2数据采集技术 1
1.3数据采集器概述及组成 1
1.4当前国内外数据采集器的现状 2
1.5研制隔离多通道高精度数据采集器的意义 3
1.5.1多通道采集卡的应用领域 3
1.5.2研究意义 4
1.6 课题的提出 4
1.6.1课题的要求 4
1.6.2系统特点 5
2数据采集卡的硬件设计 6
2.1各模块功能的实现 6
2.1.1 CPU模块的实现 6
2.1.2 A/D转换模块 11
2.1.3复位电路模块 15
2.1.4通讯模块 16
2.1.5电源控制电路 18
2.1.6系统时钟 19
2.2系统的详细原理图 19
3软件设计 20
3.1 A/D转换 20
3.2标度变换 21
3.3数制转换 22
3.4键盘程序 23
3.5 LED显示程序 23
3.6通信程序设计 23
3.6.1上位机软件结构和程序 23
3.6.2下位机软件结构和程序设计 24
3.7冶金性能数据采集系统通讯网络的设计 25
结束语 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
附录:原理图 30

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