论文编号:JD854 附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:16873,页数:42
The Calculator Based on EDA Design
Abstract:EDA is the used of the computer to complete the design of electronic systems. The calculator based on EDA design, it main studies the 8-bit binary number of addition and subtraction operations, the two 4-bit binary number multiplication, 8-bit binary number divided by the number of four binary division, as well as implementation for continuous operation of addition and subtraction operations. The system selected Altera''s MAX + Pluse Ⅱ as a hardware development platform, and the use of VHDL design languages. In the design process is used frequency division modules, the calculator is divided into four parts: calculate, storage, display and input part. The calculate is composed of four parts:addertion, subtraction, and multiplier and divider components. Storage part needs three memory to help achieved: internal accumulator (acc), input register (reg) as well as the results of registers (ans). Display part is made up three decoder of 7 sections, respectively to show the number of input. Input part has ten number keys, from 0 – 9, also has addition and subtraction and multiplication and division arithmetic operator keys, a button and of equal sign and the clear key, the design has to decode the key information (to be decimal digital conversion as a binary number), so that you can use these in the internal of calculator.
Key words: EDA;calclute;VHDL
摘要 Ⅰ
目次 Ⅲ
术语表 Ⅳ
1 引言 1
1.1 EDA技术 1
1.1.1 EDA技术的涵义 1
1.1.2 EDA技术的发展历程 1
1.1.3 EDA的技术的基本特征和基本工具 1
1.2 VHDL语言 2
1.2.1 VHDL语言的特点 2
1.2.2 VHDL语言设计实体的基本结构 3
1.2.3 VHDL语言的实体 3
1.2.4 VHDL语言的结构体 3
1.2.5 VHDL程序设计约定 4
2 设计规划 5
2.1 基于EDA的计算器的功能 5
2.2 计算器的设计思路 5
2.2.1 计算器的计算部分 5
2.2.2 计算器的存储部分 5
2.2.3 计算器的显示部分 6
2.2.4 计算器的输入部分 6
2.3 系统组成框图 6
3 计算器各模块的设计和实现 7
3.1 基于EDA的计算器计算部分的设计和实现 7
3.1.1 加法器的设计 7
3.1.2 减法器的设计 10
3.1.3 乘法器的设计 12
3.1.4 除法器的设计 13
3.2 计算器计算器输入部分的设计和实现 17
3.3 计算器显示部分的设计和实现 20
3.4 8位二进制数转换成个位、十位、百位的模块 21
4 计算器的综合设计 25
4.1 整体的程序设计 25
4.2 计算器的仿真波形 26
5 结论 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34
附录 35