论文编号:JD855 附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:12247,页数:32
摘 要:可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)是近年来迅速发展起来的新型可编程器,其灵活的可编程逻辑可以方便的实现高速数字信号处理。它突破了并行处理、流水级数的限制,具有反复的可编程能力,从而有效的地利用了片上资源,加上高效的硬件描述语言VHDL,从而为数字系统设计提供了极大的方便。
Based on the design of digital electric clock EDA
Abstract:Programmable logic devices (FPGA) is developed rapidly in recent years, the new programmable flexible programmable logic can be easily realize high speed digital signal processing. It breaks through the parallel processing, water series, repeated programmable ability, thus effectively on the use of resources, and efficient hardware description language VHDL digital system design, so as to provide a great convenience.
This paper is based on the principle and method to design an electric clock system, aimed at through the function of the system, which reflects the FPGA in data processing applications. System based on VHDL language program, modular design method. System design includes 9 subroutine module, respectively is: frequency module, 60 into mould, 24 into mould, alarm module, regular module, 60BCD modules, 24BCD modules, 7 yards display module, scanning module. Each subroutine through simulation, and with EDA simulation diagram, the final module will assemble as a whole——electric clock. The frequency clock signal output module, then the system realized by 60 seconds count, 60 minutes count and 24 hours count, then realized by converting BCD to display the time for seven display. In order to save the current consumption, using scanning module that six display turns. The electric clock still has alarm function and timing function.
Key words: FPGA;digital electronic system design;VHDL;electronic clock
摘 要 Ⅰ
目 次 Ⅲ
术 语 表 Ⅳ
1 绪论 1
1.1 立题背景和意义 1
1.2可编程逻辑器件的发展历程 1
1.3可编程器件FPGA/CPLD 1
1.4国内外的研究现状 2
1.5本文的目的与意义 3
1.6本文的结构 3
2 FPGA基本结构与工作原理 4
2.1 FPGA 的基本结构 4
2.2 FPGA的工作原理 4
3 数字系统设计 5
3.1数字系统设计方法 5
3.2 基于FPGA的应用系统设计 5
3.3 数字系统设计的重要工具——VHDL 6
4 基于EDA技术的电子钟设计 7
4.1系统设计的总体思路 7
4.2各模块功能及其软件实现 8
4.2.1计数脉冲1Hz_generator组件 8
4.2.2 60进制计数器组件 9
4.2.3 24进制计数器组件 11
4.2.4 闹钟设定组件 12
4.2.5 定时组件 15
4.2.6 i60bcd组件 18
4.2.7 i24bcd组件 20
4.2.8 二进制转换为七段码组件 21
4.2.9 七段显示器扫描输出电路组件 23
4.3电子时钟系统整体软件实现 26
5 结论 30
参 考 文 献 31
致 谢 32