论文编号:JD280 论文字数:11261,页数:32
摘 要
Digital wave filter is a kind of installation that forms by digital multiplier, adder and the unit of delay time. Its function is to carry out operational handling for inputting the digital code of dispersed signal in order to reach the purpose that changes signal frequency spectra. Because of the development of the computer technical circuit of large scale integration digital wave filter can already realize with computer software, can also realize with the digital hardware real time of large scale integration. Digital wave filter is a dispersed time system. As digital filters, in particular FIR filters, are widely used in modern designs, this dissertation comprehensively anglicized fir’s basic theory, characters and design methodologies. It is introduce the digital filter’s definition, classification and the designed method of the filter. The designed method of the digital filter introduced the basic step and designed with the MATLAB. In the thesis, the design theory and three usual design ways of FIR digital filter are studied. They are window functions; frequency sampling technique and chebyshev equal ripple approach designs. Analyze experimental results by some material examples.
Keywords: Design of Digital Filter; Contradiction of Ripple; Transition Band
目 录
摘 要 I
1 引 言 1
2 数字滤波器简介 2
3 数字滤波器设计方法 5
3.1 数字滤波器设计的基本步骤 5
3.2 滤波器的MATLAB设计 6
4 FIR数字滤波器的MATLAB设计 8
4.1 窗函数设计FIR滤波器 8
4.2 频率取样法设计FIR滤波器 14
4.3 切比雪夫逼近法设计FIR滤波器 20
5 结 论 27
谢 辞 28
参考文献 29