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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD845  论文字数:8506,页数:23

关键词: AT89C2051,DS18B20,74LS138,74LS164

Designed of The Digital Thermometer Which Is Based on The  MCS-51 Series Monolithic Integrated Circuit

Abstract:The core of the control circuit of the digital thermometer is centered on the 8 bits monolithic integrated circuit AT89C2051 in MCS-51 series in ATMEL Corporation. The sensor which measures temperature adopts the DS18B20 which is the single lined numeral temperature sensor. The temperature sensor is provided with the function of the A/D, therefore it is directly connect with the monolithic integrated circuit without the special-purpose A/D switching circuit. Output signal, the system demonstration realizes the function of the five LED serial dynamic demonstrations, through the output signals of 74LS138 drives the bits of LED and the output signals of 74LS164 drives the sections of LED. This digital thermometer has realized the function of which temperature gathering, data processing, the real timing display. 
Key words:  AT89C2051;DS18B20;74LS138;74LS164

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 1
1.1  课题的来源及研究背景 1
1.2  测温原理与温度传感器的概述 1
2 系统分析和测温传感器的选择 1
2.1 集成数字化温度传感器 1
2.2  系统分析 2
2.2.1. 温度测量范围: 2
2.2.2 技术要求 2
2.2.3. 温度数据采集 2
3  本课题的主要研究内容 2
3.1  系统方案的确定 2
3.2  数字温度表的硬件电路 3
3.2.1  AT89C2051芯片概述 3
3.2.2 AT89C2051芯片介绍 3
3.2.3  DS18B20的性能特点 4
3.2.4 DS18B20的组成结构 5
3.2.5  DS18B20的测温原理 6
3.2.6  DS18B20的命令格式 7
3.3“看门狗”原理及芯片DS1232的特点 8
3.4  继电器的介绍 9
3.5 串行动态显示的介绍 9
3.5.1  本课题系统原理图的介绍 9
4  数字温度表的软件设计 11
4.1  系统主程序的设计 11
4.2  系统显示流程图及相应程序 13
5  结 论 17
参考文献 17
谢    辞 18
附    录 19

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