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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/27


论文编号:JD1017  论文字数:19401,页数:71

摘 要
 In industrial production,characteristics of temperature control is usually one-way, hysteretic nature, the inertia and time-varying, to achieve the rapid temperature control and accuracy, improving product quality and production efficiency are very important practical significance.
 The topic for characteristics of temperature control and the significance of rapid realization, accurate temperature control in the real industrial production, based on the design of a humanoid intelligent PID algorithm, a constant temperature control system is designed. The elements include two parts: hardware and software. AT89S52 is as the microprocessors of the hardware which is as part of SCM, and respectively detailed design for the SCM power supply circuit, the temperature signal sampling circuit, keyboard and display circuit and heating. And totally, four control circuit module in the design;some of the major software design of the traditional PID algorithm was improved,by combining the traditional PID algorithm and humanoid intelligent control of theory, a new algorithm principle is advanced, that is, the intelligent humanoid PID control theory, which makes up the traditional PID algorithm in the real deficiencies in the application.
 The keyboard input signal to the microcontroller temperature, then the temperature signal acquisition circuit temperature signal to the collection site SCM, based on input from the SCM and feedback signals to the operator error, the output control signals to the temperature control circuit, And heating and stop by the show circuit to achieve real-time monitoring the temperature at the scene.
 Key words: SCM; auto-control;humanoid intelligent control principle; PID control algorithms.

 目 录
 第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 本课题研究的意义 1
1.2 单片机的应用地位 1
 第2章 方案论证 3
2.1 器件选择 4
 2.1.1 单片机的选择 4
 2.1.2 温度采集器件的选择 6
 2.1.3 DS18B20的内部结构 7
 2.1.4 DS18B20测温原理 10
 第3章 仿人智能PID控制算法原理 12
3.1 传统PID控制算法原理 12
3.2 PID运算法则 13
 3.2.1 数字PID位置型控制算法 14
 3.2.2 数字PID增量型控制算法 14
3.3 传统数字PID控制算法在实际生产应用中的不足 15
3.4 仿人智能控制原理 16
3.5 仿人智能PID控制原理 17
 第4章 硬件设计 19
4.1 单片机最小系统设计 19
 4.1.1 时钟电路 19
 4.1.2 复位电路 19
 4.1.3 电源电路 20
4.2 键盘电路 21
4.3 显示电路 22
4.4 加热控制电路 22
 第5章 软件设计 24
5.1 控制算法的确立 25
5.2 数字PID参数的整定 26
 5.2.1 采样周期选择的原则 27
 5.2.2 归一整定法 27
5.3 程序设计 28
 5.3.1 控制系统主程序 28
 5.3.2 温度检测程序 29
 5.3.3 键盘处理子程序: 30
 5.3.4 LED显示子程序: 31
 5.3.5 控制算法子程序 33
 第6章 结 论 34
 参考文献 35
 致 谢 37
 附 录I 整体电路图 38
 附 录II 程序清单 39 

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