论文编号:JD838 论文字数:8224,页数:20
摘 要:本文设计了一个可实现天然气、煤气、氢气、烟雾等易燃易爆气体的检测设备。该设备是基于具有语音处理功能的SPCE061A单片机进行的设计,当有害气体浓度超过规定值时给予语音提示,达到简单快速的检测空气中有害气体并给予人们语音警示的目的。整个电路由检测电路、SPCE061A单片机及外围电路、电源、语音输出等几个部分组成。当检测到有害气体时,由单片机控制发声,提醒人们注意防范。该仪器有灵敏度高、稳定性好、而且成本低、功耗小,操作简单等优点。可用于化工厂、加油站、煤矿等危险工作场所。
The Design of the Explosive Gas Monitoring Based on the SPCE061A
Abstract: An equipment which can detect natural gas,coal gas,hydrogen ,smoke and other easily combustible gas has been designed in this paper.The device based on a single-chip SPCE061A with voice processing functions,it can warm people when detected the harmful gases exceeding to the ordinary concontration value and implement the goal to detect and rapidly harmful gases in the air and give people a warning voice.The entire circuit is made up of detection circuit,SPCE061A single-chip microcomputer and peripheral circuit,power,voice output and several other parts.The single-chip controls the voice to draw attention of people to prevent while harmful gases detected.The instrument has many advantages such as high sensitivity,good stability,low cost,small power consumption,simple operation and so on.It can be used in chemical plants,gas stations,coal mine and other hazardous job places.
Key words:gas sensors;SPCE061A single-chip;power;voice output
摘 要 I
Abstract I
1引 言 1
1.1实现该系统检测任务的可行性分析: 1
1.2 技术参数 1
1.3 设计目标 1
2 系统硬件设计 2
2.1易燃易爆气体监测仪设计总体介绍 2
2.2气敏传感器件的结构与原理 3
2.2.1 MQ-2简介 3
2.2.2 MQ-2型气敏传感器的主要电参数 7
2.3检测电路设计 8
2.4 SPCE061A单片机简介 8
2.5 语音输出 11
3 系统软件设计 11
3.1 主程序设计 11
3.2 按键扫描模块 12
3.3中断服务程序流程图 12
4 实验数据分析 14
4.1检测电路实验数据 14
4.2整体电路实验结果 14
5 结束语 14
参考文献 15
谢 辞 16
附 录 17