论文编号:JD870 附开题报告,任务书,外文翻译,论文字数:12091,页数:29
Abstract: In the measurement and control systems often need to capture analog signals, sometimes the number of input channels is large, so need time-sharing in collection.signal acquisition process is the same as computer-controlled A/D chip for analog-digital conversion process, collecting the results of digital reading to the computer for processing.A term no doubt that it’s a very important aspect for measurement and control system that how to collect fast, accurate and reliable.
The design is completed acquisition system to gather voltage. The system kernel-based on microcontroller, using SPI communicate mode. 8-channel A / D conversion chip voltage measurements, showed that the voltage acquisition system. Including design the hardware circuit and the writing of main software procedure.
Keyword: SPI; LED display; Multi-voltage collection; Single-chip Mcro-computer
1 绪言 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 电信号采集的发展及意义 1
1.3 设计的主要内容 2
2 方案分析 2
2.1 几种串行总线的比较 2
2.1.1 I2C bus串行接口标准 2
2.1.3 SPI简介 5
2. 2 设计任务的主要技术要求 6
2.3 系统总体结构 6
2.4 系统结构 7
3 硬件介绍 7
3.1 单片机系统的应用 7
3.2 基于SPI总线的MCP3208介绍 10
3.3 LED显示电路 14
3.4 RS-232数据传送 18
4 软件系统设计 20
4.1 开发平台介绍 20
4.2 MCP3208运行软件设计 20
4.3 8位LED显示 20
5 总 结 21
致 谢 23
参 考 文 献 24
附 录 25