论文编号:DSZP036 论文字数:8426,页数:12 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表
关键词:品牌战略;钱江晚报; SWOT
ABSTRACT :With the rapid development of modern economy, after 20 years of rapid development of China, the press, caught in a dilemma. Increasingly accelerated pace of people''''s lives, the global economy has developed rapidly growing media technology updates, the information channels for people to understand the outside world is also increasingly diverse, particularly in the network communication is increasingly more popular. These factors have given an increasingly prominent shortcomings of paper media - newspapers, has brought the inevitable crisis of survival. Having put the price, board, content and other aspects of the fierce competition, more and more newspapers began to study newspapers can revive or maintain its edge. In this environment, more and more newspaper attention onto the newspaper brand building, brand strategy, newspapers, newspapers aware of the existence and importance of development and to begin planning its own unique brand strategy. This is such a background, this article in order to SWOT analysis methods to Qianjiang Evening News, for example, right now there is all kinds of press environment - including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis and explore areas, find newspapers problems. The most important thing is, according to results of the analysis made a series of newspaper brand strategy adjustment programs of the press for reference, it is recommended to implement the press, "to deepen the brand, enhance core competitiveness" of the brand strategy. And through these brand strategy to the press in the modern media, economic conditions continue to maintain and optimize its own advantages.
Key words: brand strategy;SWOT;Qianjiang Evening Newspaper
目 录
一、 SWOT分析法简介 1
二、 《钱江晚报》SWOT分析 1
(一) 内部因素 1
(二) 外部因素 4
(三)《钱江晚报》品牌战略SWOT分析结论 7
三、 《钱江晚报》品牌战略选择 8
(一) 提升内在品牌价值和附加价值 8
(二) 强化报业集团品牌化管理 9
(三) 加强品牌延伸 9
(四) 巩固与新媒体的融合 10
致 谢 11
参考文献 12