论文编号:JD858 论文字数:36453,页数:66
摘 要
为解决计算机外设种类的日益增加与有限的主板插槽和端口之间的矛盾,IBM、Inter、DEC、ComPaq、Microsoft、NEC和NorthTlecom等厂商于1994年底制定了一种新的PC外设接口标准——USB。USB具有传输速度快,支持热插拔和即插即用,易于扩展,占用的系统资源少等优点。USB1.1支持两种传输速率:1.5Mbps和12Mbps ,而USB2.0将速度提高了40倍(即480Mbps),能够满足高速外设的需要,但价格也随之提高。
本课题重点介绍了USB总线的体系结构和特点,包括总线特征、信号环境、传输类型等;并针对传统的PCI、ISA、EPP/ECP等接口的数据采集卡的不足,我们们提出了一种基于USB1.1接口技术和DSP(Digital signal processing 数字信号处理器)的数据采集卡的实现方案。设计并制作了基于USB接口的数据采集卡的硬件系统,编写USB1.1接口芯片的固件程序。最后,为了实现主机软件和数据采集卡之间的通信,编写了数据采集卡的USB设备驱动程序。
关键词 USB; 数据采集; USB1.1
In order to resolve the conflict between the increase of PC peripheral devices and the limited board slot and port, IBM, Intel,ComPaq, DEC, Microsoft, NEC and North Tlecom have developed a new interface standard of PC-- USB (Universial Serial Bus) in 1994. USB has the advantage of high speed, HotPlugIn, Plug and Play, easily to expand and engrossing less system resource, etc. USB1. 1 has two kinds of speed: 1.5Mbps and 12Mbps, but USB2.0 has the speed of 480Mbps, which can meet with the demands of high speed peripheral devices.
This subject discusses the architecture and feature of USB, including bus attributes, signal environment, data flow model, and so on. After that, it brings forward a design scheme of data acquisition card with USB1.1 interface and digital signal processing, which is based upon the defects of traditional industry bus, such as ISA, PCI. Then it designs and realizes the hardware system of the data acquisition card with the USB interface. At last, it programs the USB device driver of data acquisition card.
Base d on the subject, this paper introduces the USB bus technology at first and then shows the design of data acquisition system, which in cluds four segments: hardware design, firm ware design, device driver and application program. In driver program segment, the paper shows how to choose the driver develop tools and introduce the USB deviced river of this data acqusition card. At last, a summary will be presented as the end of the paper.
Key words: USB; data acquisition; USB1.1
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
1.3 课题主要研究内容和主要工作 4
1.4 论文的内容简介 5
2 USB总线设计 6
2.1 USB总线的物理连接和电气特征 7
2.2 USB总线信号环境 8
2.2.1 NRZI头数据编码 8
2.2.2 位填充 8
2.3 数据流模型 9
2.3.1 USB总线拓扑结构 11
2.3.2 USB通信流 12
2.3.3 USB设备端点 13
2.3.4 管道 13
2.4 USB数据传输类型 14
2.5 USB设备描述符 19
2.6 USB设备请求 19
2.7 USB设备操作 20
2.8 USB设备状态 22
2.9 系统设置 23
2.9.1 USB设备的安装 23
2.9.2 USB设备的拆卸 24
2.9.3 总线枚举 24
3 系统硬件设计 25
3.1 AT89S52 介绍 25
3.2 芯片介绍 32
3.2.1 CH371 介绍 33
3.2.2 A/D转换器的选择 38
4 固件设计 45
4.1 USB 固件 45
4.1.1 固件下载 45
4.1.2 块传输的实现 45
4.1.3 固件设计 47
5 USB 驱动程序设计 50
5.1 WDM驱动程序模型简介 50
5.2 IRP的处理 54
5.2.1 IRP的结构 55
5.2.2 IRP参数 55
5.2.3 IRP的可重入性和互锁 56
5.3 USB 驱动程序 56
5.3.1 USB 设备驱动程序 57
5.3.2 USB 驱动程序 57
5.3.3 主控制器驱动程序 58
5.3.4 根集线器驱动程序 58
5.3.5 USB 驱动程序装载 59
5.4 数据采集系统中USB 设备驱动程序的开发 60
5.4.1 开发工具的选择 60
5.4.2 USB设备驱动程序的开发 61
6 结 论 64
7 致 谢 65
参考文献 66