论文编号:JD490 附开题报告,任务书,原理图,PCB,论文字数:31302,页数:65
电力电子学是应用于电力技术领域中的电子学,在工程应用中称为电力电子技术。 它是以利用大功率电子器件对电能进行变换和控制为研究内容,是一门与电子、控制和电力紧密相关的边缘学科。现代电力电子技术的发展方向,是从以低频技术处理问题为主的传统电力电子学,向以高频技术处理问题为主的现代电力电子学方向转变。
关键词:电力电子技术 VDMOS功率场效应管 交流调速系统
Title VDMOS speed control system based on the main circuit template of the design and development
Power electronics technology is applied in the field of power electronics, the project known as the application of power electronics technology. It is using high-power electronic devices to control power to transform and to study the contents, is an electronic, control and power is closely related to the brink of disciplines. The power of modern electronic technology direction of development, from the low-frequency technology to deal with problems mainly of traditional power electronics, to the high-frequency technology to deal with problems mainly of modern power electronics direction of change.
VDMOS power field-effect transistor is abroad 1980s with the rapid development of a new power devices. A fast switching speed, high input impedance, thermal stability, and no secondary breakdown, and other advantages, can be used for AC / DC switching power supply, laser power, plasma power, radar power, uninterruptible power supply and motor speed, and other fields. In saving energy and military aspects of the national economy and have broad prospects and a good social and economic benefits. VDMOS the use of energy-saving devices, the provincial timber, reducing the size of the effect, particularly in the power electronics technology, make it possible for the power control system and transform circuit innovation, in the national economy and the military has a broad prospect and a good social Economic benefits.
Keywords Power Electronics VDMOS power FET AC Drive System
目 录
前 言 1
第 一 章 绪 论 3
1.1 交流调速系统发展概况 3
1.2 选题背景与意义 3
1.3 论文的内容及安排 4
第 二 章 电力电子技术的发展前景 5
2.1 电力电子技术的发展 5
2.2 现代电力电子的应用领域 6
2.3 高频开关电源的发展趋势 10
第三章 VDMOS场效应管及其特点分析 13
3.1 电力电子器件及VDMOS管的发展概况 13
3.2 VDMOS管的结构特点与工作原理 13
3.3 VDMOS 管的特性曲线及主要参数 14
3.4 VDMOS管的主要技术特点 16
3.5 VDMOS管的主要应用范围 17
第四章硬件电路设计 19
4.1 主电路基本原理 19
4.2 功率场效应管 20
4.3 光电耦合器的发展及应用 25
4.4 555定时器接成的施密特触发器设计 29
4.5 三相整流电路设计 31
4.6 固态继电器在主电路设计中的应用 34
4.7 霍尔传感器 37
4.8 直流-直流(DC/DC)变换器 38
4.9 参数计算与所选元件 39
第五章 总结与展望 42
5.1 设计的总结 42
5.2 展望 43
致 谢 44
参考文献 45
附录A:英文资料 46
附录B:英文资料翻译 51
附件C:硬件原理图与PCB图 57