论文编号:JD843 论文字数:4653,页数:20
VHDL- based Intelligent Traffic Control System
Abstract:This design through the VHDL hardware description language to describe the structure of the digital system, behavior, function and interface. VHDL language programming from time to time through the detection time information, the use of EDA tools for logic synthesis and optimization of timing, as the police traffic control lights, and finally through the completion of the corresponding system description, simulation, integration and verification link, until the last generation of devices needed, so as to achieve the purpose of traffic control.
Key word:VHDL; circuit design; timer ;display light.
摘要 I
Abstract I
1 前言 1
2 VHDL语言简介 1
3 交通灯指示原理 1
3.1 交通灯时序指示原理 2
3.2 问题分析 2
4 交通灯控制系统的组成 3
4.1 状态控制器原理及图示 3
4.2 状态译码器原理及图示 3
4.3 减法计数器原理及图示 3
4.3.1 74LS47简介 4
4.3.2 74LS245简介 5
4.3.3 减法计数器图示 6
5 程序及程序说明 7
5.1 设计的背景程序(程序见附录) 7
5.2 设计原程序及程序说明(程序见附录) 7
6 仿真波形及分析 7
6.1 十六进制的仿真波形 7
6.2 二进制及十进制的仿真波形 7
6.3 波形分析 8
7 结束语 8
参考资料 9
谢 辞 10
附录 11
1. 设计的背景程序 11
1.1 进位十进制计数器的源程序: 11
1.2 7段数码显示译码器的源程序: 12
2. 设计原程序及程序说明 13