论文编号:JD842 论文字数:6727,页数:23
摘 要:数字密码锁主要完成上锁、密码输入、密码核对,开锁、密码修改等功能。数字密码锁的控制电路主要包括11个模块,各模块由相应的VHDL程序具体实现,在MAX+PLUS II环境下进行整体电路的模拟仿真,所有的数字逻辑功能都在CPLD器件上用VHDL语言来实现,使其具有报警、锁定以及复位等功能。本设计具有调试方便、故障率低、价格低廉等优点。
Design of A Digital-Password-Lock in VHDL Language
Abstract: The major functions of Digital-Password-Lock are locking, password entry, password verification, opening the locks, password changes, and so on. The circuit-design of the Digital-Password-Lock mainly includes eleven modules, every module is designed by VHDL language, and is simulated in the environment of MAX+PLUSⅡ.Finally, the circuit is simulated in the environment of MAX+PLUSⅡ, and the results show that the design meets the target, all of the digital logic functions are used in the CPLD device VHDL language to achieve, them with alarm, lock and reset functions. This design has a convenient debugging , fault rate is low and the advantages of low prices.
Key words: VHDL; Digital-Password-Lock; Design; MAX+PLUSⅡ
摘 要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 1
2 基于VHDL的数字密码锁的程序设计 2
2.1数字密码锁的内部结构 2
2.2 数字密码锁的主要功能 3
2.2 数字密码锁的模块划分和工作流程 5
3 用VHDL语言设计各主要模块 6
3.1 键盘输入模块 6
3.2 比较器模块 9
3.3 存储器模块 10
3.4 输出模块 12
3.5 顶层文件模块 13
3.6 密码锁的整体组装图 15
4 字密码锁的整体仿真结果 16
5 引脚设定 18
6 结束语 19
参考文献 20
谢 辞 21