论文编号:JD841 论文字数:6071,页数:15
摘 要:设计了一种基于8051单片机的超声波测距系统。介绍了超声波测距的原理及8051单片机的性能和特点,并在此基础上,给出了实现超声波测距方案的系统框图及软、硬件设计。超声波指向性强,能量消耗缓慢,在介质中传播距离远,常用于距离的测量。利用超声波检测距离,设计比较方便,计算处理也较简单,且在测量精度方面也能达到要求。测试结果表明,该设计满足设计要求,具有一定的实用价值。
Ultrasonic Distance Measurement Based on
Single-Chip Design
Abstract: The ultrasonic ranging system based on a 8051 single-chip is designed. The principle of ultrasonic distance measurement and the 8051 performance and features are introduced. Based on the principle , the design gives us the system block diagram of the program and the software and hardware design to implement ultrasonic distance measurement. The supersonic wave uses to measure distance because of its strong point, slow energy consumption, and far distance spread. From the use of ultrasonic testing, both the design and the calculation are more convenient and the simple and in the measurement accuracy can also meet the requirement. The design satisfies the request and has certain practical value, such as strong antijamming ability and good timeliness.
Keywords: supersonic wave;8051;measure distance
摘 要 I
Abstract I
引言 1
1 设计思路 1
2 超声波测距系统的工作原理 2
3 硬件电路设计及模块电路分析 2
3.1发射和接收模块 2
3.1.1 压电式超声波发生器原理 2
3.1.2 超声波测距原理 3
3.1.3 脉冲产生电路 3
3.1.4 超声波的接收与处理 4
3.1.5 锁相环电路 4
3.2 单片机MC—51模块 5
3.3 显示模块 6
3.4 总体电路设计 6
4 超声波测距电路程序设计 7
4.1 40kHz 脉冲的产生与超声波发射 7
4.2 超声波的接收与处理 7
4.3 计算超声波传播时间 8
4.4 计算距离 9
4.5 显示电路 9
4.6 超声波测距系统的程序框图 10
5 结束语 11
参考文献 12
谢 辞 13