论文编号:JD767 论文字数:19702,页数:53
This graduation project based on monolithic integrated circuit''s infrared remote control switch, the paper first introduced system''s main assembly, then divides into the hardware and the software two parts carries on the elaboration. The hardware circuit part mainly described the infrared receive master control module with the various modules reciprocity, this part mainly uses MC-51 to do controls remotely the launcher and the receive processor. This system after actual use, proved that its convenient, reliable and has the use value. the topic involves to the hardware and the software two major parts, hardware circuit part realization is take monolithic integrated circuit AT89C2051 as a core, takes the master control electric circuit, other peripheral circuit to be subordinated the electric circuit part. May divide into two modules the hardware circuit, the control code module and the launch module, divides into again the remote control module three small modules: Monolithic integrated circuit master control, infrared receive module and power unit. The software part design procedure may divide into: Master routine and in interrupt routine entry program, initialization routine various variables, master routine, keyboard work subroutine, interrupt receive procedure, time delay subroutine and so on. This paper introduced in detail on the above question the software and hardware design, realizes the method which uses with the debugging process, and adopts the corresponding step to solve the problem.
key words: Infrared remote control; Receive yard; Send yard; The single chip microcontroller .
摘要 1
Abstract 2
第一章 绪论 4
1.1 红外线技术 8
1.2 课题的提出和意义 9
1.3红外技术未来发展 10
第二章 系统电路设计 11
2.1方案确立 11
2.2原理分析 14
2.3件选择 15
2.3.1核心控制芯片 15
2.3.2红外发光二极管选择 17
2.3.3 红外接收头 18
2.3.4 ULN2003 19
2.4 红外发射电路部分 21
2.4.1单片机部分 22
2.4.2红外发射部分 23
2.5红外遥控电路 25
2.6电源电路设计 25
第三章 软件设计 27
3.1发射流程图 28
3.2接收流程图 29
第四章 电路组装调试 30
4.1 概述 30
4.2 检查元件 30
4.3 组装电路 30
4.4 电路调试 30
4.5软件调试 31
4.5调试中常见的故障 31
4.5.1 元件问题 31
4.5.2 装配问题 31
4.5.3 设计问题 31
第五章 系统开发所用工具 32
5.1硬件工具 32
5.2软件工具 33
结 论 38
致 谢 39
附录一:原理图和PCB图 40
附录三:完整代码 42