论文编号:JD725 论文字数:15013,页数:48
摘 要
This paper briefly introduced the principle of works and design methods of the automatic fire alarm fire control system. With the knowledge of SCM, the paper designs a fire alarm control system, which can have the functions of the multi-temperature acquisition, display and alarm.
In this paper, automatic fire alarm system hardware circuits is designed by the chip 89C51 to dominate the system , temperature sensors DS18B20, decoding drive chips 74ALS574, digital display and other element, which can do the multi-channel collection of temperature, analyze, display temperature and alarm when the circuit is open. In addition, it has also the show circuit of linkage part.
Basing on the needs of the system, the paper applies the idea of modularization to the design of software that has flow charts. The sequence can complete to initialize the sensor, collect and analyze the temperature signal; alarm when the fire occurs and the system turn off. The sequence is debugged successfully.
This system can alarm in time when the fire occurred in the case of accident, which has the advantages of high precision, strong sensitivity, and wide range of application, especially it would be suitable for use industrial and civil buildings.
Keywords: SCM; Fire alarm; Sensor
目 录
绪 论 1
1 系统总体分析与设计 3
1.1 系统设计要求 3
1.2 系统组成和工作原理 4
1.3 温度采集转换系统 5
1.4 显示报警系统 6
1.5 译码显示电路 8
2 硬件电路设计 10
2.1 系统硬件配置 10
2.2 主要元件介绍 10
2.2.1 AT89C51芯片 10
2.2.2 74ALS574地址锁存器 12
2.2.3 DS18B20温度传感器 13
2.2.4 LED七段数码显示管 16
3 软件系统设计 19
3.1 软件总体设计方案 19
3.2 系统各部分函数 19
3.2.1 初始化函数 19
3.2.2 温度采集函数 20
3.2.3 报警模块函数 22
3.2.4 控制函数 24
4 系统调试 25
4.1 伟福系列仿真机调试软件 25
4.2 硬件电路的调试过程 27
4.3 功能模块的调试 27
4.3.1 芯片功能调试 27
4.3.2 报警部分的调试 28
4.3.3 综合测试 28
结 论 29
致 谢 30
参考文献 31
附录A 总电路图 32
附录B 总程序 33