论文编号:JD714 论文字数:14416,页数:51
摘 要
本设计中均采用protel 99软件来画电路图。大图中的显示电路部分由于太大没能整合到一张图上,所以我另附了一张图。
关键词:AT89S51; AT24C02; 电子密码锁; 矩阵键盘
This design is password lock design of a relatively simple, taking into account the economic levels and the design of the reasons for the expansion of the function also not strong enough, but the primary function of a keyboard input, LED digital control, encryption, Change Password, password detection, Error alarm, unlock functions. Easy-to-understand, easy to use, high safety performance.
This design uses AT89S51 microcontroller chip for the main, the AT24C02 for use of brown-out memory chips. The chips, high stability, low cost, but also expansion of many functions. Such as infrared detection technology, fingerprint recognition technology, voice recognition technology, image recognition technology. These expansion of the technical development of the relatively rapidly abroad, some have been put into use. The design did not use these extensions.
The design of protel 99 software are used to draw circuit. A larger part in the show circuit because of too much could not integrated into a map, so I followed the one map.
Software design are used in the design of assembly language programming. The main part of the preparation of the main function of the realization of procedures, the design of the subroutine omitted.
Keywords: AT89S51; AT24C02; Electronic combination lock; Matrix keyboard
目 录
1 绪论 1
2 方案论证与比较 2
3 电路的功能单元设计 12
3.1 电磁锁的选择 12
3.2 开锁机构 12
3.3 按键电路设计 14
3.4 显示电路设计 16
3.5 AT24C02掉电存储单元的设计 18
3.6 密码锁的电源电路设计 22
3.7 报警电路 25
3.8 报警次数检测及锁定电路 26
3.9 设计总框图 27
3.10 设计总体电路图 27
4. 程序设计 28
4.1 模块介绍 28
4.1.1 主程序模块 28
4.1.2 键盘扫描及识别子程序 28
4.1.3 调电存储服务程序 28
4.1.4 显示子程序 28
4.2 程序流程图 28
4.3 源程序 30
5 总结 40
参考文献 41
致 谢 42
附录Ⅰ 43
附录Ⅱ 44