论文编号:JD772 论文字数:17151,页数:48
摘 要
Among electronic technology, frequency is one of the most basic parameters, and result of measuring have a very close relation to a lot of electric parameters, so the measurement of frequency seems even more important. In order to realize the counting of intellectuality examines frequently, realize a wide-range, high-accuracy cymometer, an effective method is to use one-chip computer for the design of the cymometer. This subject recommends regarding 51 Single-Chip computer as the key device, include signal input, signal amplify, signal choose, clock offer, data person who reveal function digital design method of cymometer of module still in addition. The hardware circuit of the cymometer is drawing with Protel mapping software, the one-chip computer control procedure of the software part, wrote the assembler language. Because originally design the design method to adopt module, improve the range of measuring frequency.
Key words: Measurement, Cymometer, Single-Chip computer
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪 论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2 研究的背景与研究的意义 1
1.3 国内外发展概况及趋势 2
1.4 论文的研究内容及研究方法 3
1.4.1 论文的研究内容 3
1.4.2 研究方法和技术路线 3
2 频率计硬件设计 4
2.1 频率测量的原理 4
2.2 Protel2004简介 5
2.3单片机的选择 6
2.4单片机构成的最小系统 12
2.5电源部分 14
2.6显示部分 14
3软件设计 16
3.1 KEIL概述 16
3.2.1keil的使用方法 17
4 系统板设计与系统调试 29
4.1 系统板设计 29
4.1.1 PCB布局 30
4.1.2 电路板稳定性设计 31
4.2 硬件调试 32
4.3 软件调试 33
4.4总体性能测试 33
致 谢 39
参考文献 40
附录一:完整代码 41
附录二:原理图及PCB 44