论文编号:DZXX009 论文字数:11037,页数:34
摘 要
Safe as people living or working in an integral and important facilities, mainly for the storage of various valuables,thus safe lock on the safety becomes critical. Currently on the market safe products use. Lock is the traditional mechanical turntable password lock. This password lock password volume and the complexity of dial-related. To ensure password volume, it is necessary to dial complex structure, very convenient. If the structure is simple, password volume of transactions through easy means to try to unlock the code, the safety factor is not high enough. But electronic password lock with password great quantity, Password mainly by a controller chip AT89C51 through programming to achieve their specific function.Programming with the password change for the sake of change greatly improving security.
According to the research theses conditions, the use of keystroke input SCM software decoder programs.Software simulation shows that the program can achieve better identification password, the password wrong alarm function meet basic password lock function.
Keywords:Password lock;password verification;SCM
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1国内外现状 1
1.2研究思路 3
1.3电子密码锁的简介 3
1.4设计目标 4
第二章.密码锁方案的选择及芯片介绍 5
2.1方案介绍 5
2.2芯片的介绍 5
第三章 硬件设计 9
3.1 C51单片机的外围电路设计 10
3.2开锁控制电路设计 10
3.3显示部分电路 11
3.4按键电路设计 12
第四章 软件设计 13
4.1软件系统基本设计思想 13
4.2 按键识别 14
4.2.1按键开关的抖动问题 14
4.2.2 中断响应程序 16
第五章 调试过程 19
小结 22
.致谢 23
参考文献 24
附录 25
附录1程序代码 25
附录2仿真图 30