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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD821  论文字数:7553,页数:23

摘 要: 随着电子信息产业的不断发展,信号频率的测量在科技研究和实际应用中的作用日益重要。在电子技术中,频率是最基本的参数之一,又与许多电参量的测量方案、测量结果都有十分密切的关系,因此频率的测量就显得更为重要。测量频率的方法有多种,其中电子计数器测量频率具有精度高、使用方便、测量迅速,以及便于实现测量过程自动化等优点,是频率测量的重要手段之一。在本次毕业设计中选择使用单片机来制作数字频率计,并在实际制作中采用了直接测频法。利用延时产生的时基门控信号来控制闸门,通过在单位时间内计数器记录下的脉冲个数计算出输入信号的频率,最终送入LED中显示。这样制作出来的频率计不仅可以满足设计题目的参数要求,而且具有了单片机的稳定性和成熟性,且控制能力强,是一种低成本,高可靠的设计方案。

The Design of The Cymometer Based on The Microcontroller
Abstract: With the unceasing development of electronic information industry, the measurement of the signal frequency is playing a significant role in theory study and pratical application.In the subject of electronic technology, frequency, which has great connection with the measurement plan and result of electronic parameter, is one of the most basic parameters. Therefore, the measurement of frequency shows great importance. Among thousands of ways to measure frequency, electronic counter is taken as one of the best because of high precision, low time-cost, convenience, and automatic process. In this paper, we choose single chip microcomputer to make a digital frequency counter; meanwhile, direct measurement is taken in practice. Use the time-based gating singal created by time-delay to control the strobe. Compute the frequency with the help of the number of pulses recorded by the counter in specific time, then screen the result on the LCD. In this way, not only can my design reach the goal of my graduation thesis, but also it has stability and maturity.
Key Words: Micro- computer;Frequency;Measure

摘 要 I
Abstract I
1引言 1
2 频率计设计原理及方案 1
3 系统部件简介 2
3.1 AT89C51单片机及其引脚说明 2
3.2 ZLG7290功能简介 3
4 频率计的硬件设计 4
5 单元程序的设计 5
5.1 1s定时 5
5.2 T1计数程序 6
5.3 频率数据采集 8
5.4 进制转换 8
5.5 数码显示 11
6 程序的调试 14
7 结论 15
参考文献 15
谢    辞 16
附录:频率计系统总体程序 17

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