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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


附开题报告,论文字数:9307,页数:36  论文编号:JD481



【摘要】:单片机在日用电子产品中的应用越来越广泛,温度则是人们日常生活中常常需要测量和控制的一个量。本设计采用AT89C2051单片机和温度传感器DS18B20从硬件和软件两方面介绍了一款简易数字温度计的设计过程, 并对硬件原理图和程序流程图作了简洁的描述。数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所。

Abstract:Monolithic integrated circuit''s is getting more and more widespread in everyday use electronic products application, the temperature is a quantity which in the people daily life needs to survey and to control frequently. This design used at89C2051 monolithic integrated circuit and temperature sensor DS18B20 introduced from the hardware and the software two aspects a section of simple digital thermometer''s design process, and has made the succinct description on the hardware schematic diagram and the program flow diagram. The digital thermometer and the traditional thermometer compares, has the reading to be convenient, the temperature measurement scope is broad, the temperature measurement is accurate, its output temperature uses the digit to demonstrate, mainly uses to the temperature measurement quite accurate place.
Key words: Single-chip AT89C2051; temperature sensor DS18B20; drive 74HC24


目   录

一、绪论 6
1.1选题背景 6
二、总体设计方案 8
2.1数字温度计设计方案论证 8
2.2方案二的总体设计框图 8
三、系统整体硬件电路 9
3.1主板电路 9
3.2显示电路 9
3.3 DS18B20温度传感器与单片机的接口电路 10
3.4 AT89C2051单片机介绍 10
3.5 温度传感器DS18B20功能介绍 13
四、数字温度计的程序流程图及程序设计 16
4.1主程序设计流程图 16
4.2读出温度子程序设计流程图 17
4.3温度转换命令子程序设计流程图 17
4.4计算温度子程序设计流程图 17
4.5显示数据刷新子程序设计流程图 18
4.6程序清单 19
五、总结 32
六、附录 33
6.1 Protel电路总图 33
6.2 PCB布线图 34
6.3 设计中所需要的器件清单 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36

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