论文编号:JD951 论文字数:10526,页数:26
摘 要
本文通过分析直流同步电机调速工作原理,在Intel 89C51单片机基础上对其软硬件进行了适当扩展,并添加了人机界面,从而可对电机运行的各参数进行设定和修改。借助功率因数测量电路和调速的晶闸管调压电路组成的闭环反馈系统,单片机可以根据负载变化相应地调整电机输出电压,使电机始终工作在设定功率因数下,从而实现直流同步电机的恒功率因数控制,达到节能运行的目的。
In the industrial and agricultural manufacture, alternating current asynchronous motor is one of the most important driving equipments. It has got vast application for a simple framework and well maintain ability. But when asynchronous motor is started directly, the motor and the driving equipments’ longevity will be badly affected by huge starting-current and mechanical collision, and big voltage decrease would influence the power-supply network, even other equipments’ operation. So it is necessary to undertake the asynchronous motor’s soft start technology.
The paper analyzes the working principle of asynchronous motor soft-starter, and realizes software and hardware expansion based on single-chip microcomputer Intel-89C51.A interface between human and soft-starter, where the operation data of the motor could be modified has also been added. The power factor measure circuit and the soft-starter’s thyristor voltage modualtor form a close circuit feedback system, by which the single-chip microcomputer can change the motor’s terminal voltage according to the load, and make the motor runs under the set power factor. In this way, the asynchronous motor’s constant power factor control system is realized, and the energy saving operation is achieved.
Keywords:Asynchronous motor;Power factor;Single-chip microcomputer ;Soft start;
Energy-saving operation
目 录
摘 要 4
1 引言 6
1.1 同步电机调速与节能运行技术的重要意义 6
1.2 同步电机调速技术概述 6
1.2.1 传统调速与调速 6
1.2.2 调速的基本原理 7
1.2.3 调速的工作方式 7
1.2.4 调速的适用场合 8
1.3 节能运行技术发展现状 8
1.3.1 节能运行的基本原理 8
1.3.2 节能运行在调速上的实现 9
1.4 本文任务 10
2 节能运行的工作原理 11
2.1 功率因数的测量与计算 11
2.1.1 信号的过零检测 11
2.1.2 功率因数的计算 11
2.1.3 技术难点和解决方式 13
2.2 基于单片机的PID调节 13
2.2.1 PID调节的原理 13
2.2.2 运算方式的选择 14
3 系统构成 15
3.1 硬件选择与连接 15
3.1.1 单片机与功率因数检测电路 15
3.1.2 电机运行控制电路 15
3.1.3 数据输入与显示电路 15
3.2 工作原理 18
3.2.1 键盘 18
3.2.2 显示 18
4 控制与运行方式 20
4.1 运行方式及参数设置 20
4.1.1 可选方式与参数 20
4.1.2 操作流程 20
4.2 程序设计 21
4.2.1 主程序流程图 21
4.2.2 数据处理程序流程图 22
4.2.3 键盘扫描程序流程图 23
5 结论 24
结束语 26
谢 辞 28
参考文献 30