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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/05


论文编号:JD953   论文字数:13544,页数:42

摘  要

关键词  红外测温, SPCE061A, TN9 

 The infrared temperature measurement technology plays an important role in the production process, the product quality control and the monitor, the equipment online breakdown diagnosis and the safe-keeping of security, as well as saved energy and so on. It broke the tradition measure pattern, and have many characteristics: quick response speed, high measuring accuracy, wide survey scope, and can simultaneously surveys the ambient temperature and the goal temperature, the survey distance amounts to 30 meters.
 This design adopts to the SPCE061A single-chip and the TN9 sensor which bring about a simple infrared thermo-detector. SPCE061A is a 16 monolithic single- chip which produced by Ling Yang Science and Technology Company. In this single-chip sets two road DA transformation, eight road AD transformation, and the online simulation and so on. This has provides a convenient condition for the infrared thermo -detector which has the r pronunciation broadcast function. The system includes: SPCE061A, TN9 infrared temperature sensor, Keys and audio output part and so on. This precisely designing causes the electric circuit structure to be reasonable, and completely guaranteeing each kind of requirement, at the same time obtaining the system stability .
 Keywords  Infrared measures temperature, SPCE061A,TN9, voice-broadcast

目 录

摘要 I

1  绪 论 1
 1.1 本课题研究的背景和意义 1
 1.2 本课题研究的现状 2
 1.3 本课题发展趋势 3
 1.4 本课题研究的内容 3
2  系统方案设计 4
 2.1 本系统性能指标 4
 2.2 方案选择 4
 2.2.1 方案提出 4
 2.2.2 方案论证 5
 2.2.3 方案选定 6
3  系统硬件设计 7
 3.1 系统总体结构框图 7
 3.1.1 框图说明 7
 3.2 凌阳16位单片机(SPCE061A) 7
 3.2.1 SPCE061A芯片简介 8
 3.2.2 芯片的引脚排列和说明 9
 3.2.3 电源板电路模块分析 11
 3.2.4 复位电路 12
 3.3 键盘电路 13
 3.4 音频输出电路 13
 3.5 红外测温传感器 14
 3.5.1 TN9红外传感器简介 14
 3.5.2 TN9模块的性能参数 15
 3.5.3 TN9模块与单片机连接图 16
4  系统软件设计 17
 4.1 软件设计的架构 17
 4.2 系统主程序流程图 17
 4.3 读取数据子程序设计 19
 4.4 语音播报子程序设计 20
 4.4.1 凌阳音频压缩编码 20
 4.4.2 语音播报流程图 21
5  系统组装与调试 23
 5.1 61板自检 23
 5.2 传感器与系统的连接 23
 5.3 程序下载 24
结论 28
参考文献 29
附录A:SPCE061A精简开发板原理图 31
附录B:主程序 32
致谢 38

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