论文编号:JD1008 论文字数:14511,页数:31
摘 要
This thesis describes the designs of pulse width modulator used NE555 and LM339 .It also can be built up a Class-D audio power amplifier, whose working efficiency is high and be easy to connect with other equipments.
In this paper it introduced the work character of PWM, the overall structure and the working pattern. It made a analysis of work principle of Class-D audio power amplifier with PWM switching power, and it introduces the practical application of Class-D audio power amplifier, as well as future market development tendency.
This article also introduced the design of system and realization of the hardware unit electric circuit in detail. The practice proved that, this system is stable with high working efficiency and the usability is strong and so on. It has the simple structure and be easy to realize.
Key words:Class-D audio power amplifier;Pulse Width Modulator;Filter;Comparator
目 录
第1章 概 述 1
第2章 功率放大器简介 3
2.1 功率放大器的主要种类 3
2.2 D类放大器的构成 3
2.3 D类放大器的工作原理 4
第3章 D类放大器系统分析 7
3.1 D类放大器的结构 7
3.2 D类放大器的效率 10
3.3 D类放大器的频率响应 13
3.4 D类放大器的电源抑制比(PSSR) 13
3.5 D类放大器的电磁干扰(EMI) 13
3.6 D类放大器的滤波器 14
3.7 D类放大器的应用 16
3.8 D类放大器的市场 17
第4章 电路设计与测试 19
4.1 锯齿波发生器的设计 19
4.2 比较电路的设计 21
4.3 功率放大器的设计 22
4.4 滤波器的设计 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27
附录 D类功放原理图 28