论文编号:JD876 附开题报告,外文翻译,原理图,PCB 论文字数:19998,页数:38
关键词:放电; 储能; 单片机; 晶闸管
Design of the Capacitor Charge and Discharge System Based on the Microcontroller
Abstract: The article introduces a completely new device of high voltage charging and discharging, and has given a complete charging design device, which is based on three introduce electricity. By using the instantaneous discharging, it realizes high voltage releasing, people can get the needs of physic and chemistry process, such as explosion, impaction, shape changing and so on.
The device of high voltage uses SCR smart control model, place the flash microcontroller(AT89C2051)outside, arithmetic figure electric machine etc. Proceeding the assistant controls, from this charging the capacitor constant current. In this system is applies to the electric power and electronics technique, and applies to the information electronics technique. Controlling the electric power and electronics technique with the information electronics technique, the strong and week electricity gets well of application, it can say that the electronics technique has got the extensive application in this design.
This design of device of high voltage charging and discharging can charge electricity according to the customers’ different requests that is under the 1000V,the equipments is not have, moving conveniently, being used in industries and agriculture at any time. It is very popular in electronics profession, strong function in practical application, it solved the question that is inconvenient highly storage energy device in the past, and the function, the economic is further enhanced.
Key words: Discharge; Storage energy; Microcontroller; Thyristor
1 引言 1
2 总体方案 2
3 电容器的充放电原理 3
3.1 电容器原理 4
3.2 电容的定性分析计算 5
3.3 当前先进的高压储能电容器技术 6
3.4 高压储能放电装置电容器 6
3.5 引燃管的工作原理 7
4 变压和整流 8
4.1 变压器 8
4.2 整流模块 10
4.3电容滤波的三相不可控整流电路分析 10
4.4 谐波和无功功率的分析 12
4.5 变压器漏感对整流电路的影响 13
5 三相交流晶闸管智能控制模块 14
5.1 晶闸管智能控制模块功能及特点 14
5.2 晶闸管智能控制模块电流规格的选取 15
5.3 晶闸管智能控制模块导通角 16
5.4 晶闸管智能控制模块芯片主要参数 17
5.5 DCV12V稳压电源要求 17
5.6 使用环境及要求 17
5.7 引脚说明 17
5.8 晶闸管智能控制模块主要参数 17
5.9 晶闸管智能模块保护 18
5.10散热器的选择 20
5.11 恒流模块 21
6 AT89C2051单片机控制器件 21
6.1 单片机及其外围电路 21
6.2 单片机端口的接法 23
6.3 AT89C2051芯片各端口的功能 23
6.4 指示部分 24
6.5 固态继电器 24
6.6 引燃管与晶闸管工作环境 25
6.7 AT89C2051芯片 25
6.8 功能特性概述 26
6.9 引脚说明 26
6.10 特殊功能寄存器和编程说明 27
6.11 系统流程图 28
6.12 AT89C2051芯片程序源代码 28
7 结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33
附录A 34
附录B 35