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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD233      附开题报告,   字数:13646,页数:33

摘  要

关键词: 单片机;计热表;MIFARE卡;供热

With the rapid development of city construction, centralized heating system has been of the key steps that must be adopted in city modernization in China. With the continuous extension of heating network, how to control and manage heating system efficiently and improve the economic and social benefits has been an urgent task facing heating industry. Aiming at the Present situation of heating and collecting fees in traditional heating systems,a safe,reliable and intelligent heating system project  is proposed to improve the existed single-pipe-stride in this thesis.
This paper has discussed the design and study of the heating computation network system in cities. This design which based on the Single-chip Microcomputer control can measure the relevant parameters of heating status, such as temperatures and flows, as well as the quantity of heat consumption and the cost that the user should offer. At the same time, The system can carry on monitoring and remote data communication. The intelligent Heat Meters have function with measure and display of heat, flux and temperature. It includes the analog acquisition module, controlling module, communication module and display module. The paper is explained the design of hardware and software in detail in the whole system, introduces the corresponding interference-resistant measures.
The new heat meter is a new industry to us, there is a great gap between our products and the ones imported, so it must be designed according to the situation of our country. The system can satisfy the demands of manufacturers and users. The system has advantages of reliable operation, good real-time capability, simple structure.

Key Words: Single-chip Microcomputer; heat meter; MIFARE card; heating

摘  要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 智能计热表的意义 1
1.2智能计热表的发展现状 1
1.3 智能计热表的发展趋势 2
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 3
2 硬件系统设计 4
2.1 总体方案设计 4
2.1.1 系统结构框图 4
2.1.2 系统总体说明 4
2.2 AVR ATmega16微处理器 5
2.2.1 ATmega16简介 5
2.2.2 ATmega16的性能及特点 5
2.2.3 ATmega16的引脚及其功能 6
2.2.4 单片机最小系统 7
2.3 ISP下载电路 8
2.4 系统电源电路 8
2.5 动态显示电路 9
2.6 存储器 10
2.7 监控电路 10
2.8 流量、温度控制电路 11
2.8.1 温度采集控制 11
2.8.2 热量采集控制 12
2.9 红外线发射与接收电路 13
2.9.1 键盘部分 13
2.9.2 红外遥控发射部分 13
2.9.3 红外遥控接收部分 14
2.10 MIFARE卡 14
2.11 语音控制电路 15
2.11 控制电路 16
3 系统软件设计 18
3.1 总体软件设计 18
3.1.1 设计思路 18
3.1.2 主流程图 18
3.2 温度采集程序流程图 19
3.3 动态显示流程图 20
3.4 语音控制流程图 21
4 系统抗干扰措施 23
4.1 形成干扰的基本要素 23
4.2 干扰的分类 23
4.3 单片机抗干扰措施 23
4.3.1 单片机硬件抗干扰措施 23
4.3.2 单片机软件抗干扰措施 24
5 结  论 25
参考文献 26
附录 27
致  谢 29

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