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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD805  论文字数:10012,页数:24

关键词:AT89C51 ;LED七段数码管;CD4094;记分电路;计时电路


Timing and Scoring Device of Basketball Match

Abstract:This design introduces a kind of game timing and scoring system which is displayed by LED Seven-Segmert digital tube controled and programmed by AT89C51 .This system has many functions: regularly set schedule,schedule time to pause,refresh the points of both A and B teams in time and temporarily memorizing the achievement after match. The system has characteristics of low price,stable function,easy to operate and carry and so on . It widely fits for types of schools and tiny groups as timing and scoring of match.

Key Words:AT89C51;LED Seven-Segment digital tube;CD4094;Scoring circuit;timing circuit

摘要 I
Abstract I
1 引言 1
2 系统设计方案 1
2.1  系统构成框图 1
2.2器件选择 2
3.基本功能介绍 2
3.1赛程时间设置 2
3.2赛程时间启/停设置 2
3.3比分交换控制 2
3.4比分刷新控制 2
3.5 记分计时显示 3
3.6赛程结束报警 3
4.系统硬件电路的组成 3
4.1  计时电路 3
4.1.1显示器及其接口 3
4.2 报警器 5
4.3计时电路原理图 5
4.4计时电路的工作原理 5
4.5 计分电路 5
4.5.1串行接口 6
4.5.2 计分电路原理图 9
4.5.3计分电路的工作原理 10
5.球赛计时记分器的工作过程 11
6.单片机软件设计 11
6.1 篮球赛计时记分器程序流程图 11
5参考文献 12
6结论: 13
谢辞 14
附录一:电路原理图 15
附录二:篮球赛计时记分器程序源代码 16

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