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字数:16875,页数:37   附任务书,开题报告

摘    要

      在电力系统中,各种类型的、大量的电气设备通过电气线路紧密地联结在一起。由于其覆盖的地域极其辽阔、运行环境极其复杂以及各种人为因素的影响 ,电气故障的发生是不可避免的。这就要求在使用供电系统供输电能时要尽可能达到经济安全运行。所以必须让电力系统尽量在理想的状态下运行,并对其作出科学合理的管理。


By factory power supply system movement and management

Wenjuan Zhu
0501 Electrical automation

Abstract:In the electrical power system, each kind of type, the massive electrical equipment through the electrical line joins closely in together. Equipment through the electrical line joins closely in together . Because its cover region is extremely vast, the movement environment is extremely complex as well as each human factor influence, the electrical failure occurrence is invitable.As a result of the electrical power system particularity, the above five links should be are linked together, balance at times, indispensably, also is nearly completes during the same period of time. Has the accident in electrical power system any, all has the possibility to have the significant influence to the electrical power system movement. Therefore must let the electrical power system move as far as possible under the ideal condition, and makes the science reasonable management to it.

Keywords: Electrical power system; The electricity generation changes the electricity; Electric transmission power distribution

目  录
摘要................................................................... 2
第一章节约用电的意义 ..................................................3
第二章   工厂电能节约的一般措施 ........................................4
2.1加强工厂电能节约系统的科学管理 .....................................4
2.2 做好工厂供配电系统的技术改造 ......................................5
2.3 搞好节能技术培训 ..................................................6
第三章   工厂配电的经济运行............................................ 8
3.1 无功功率经济当量 ..................................................8
3.2 变压器的经济运行.................................................. 8
3.3电动机的合理使用 ....................................................11
第四章  工厂供配电所及供电线路的运行及维护 .............................13
4.1并联电容器的接线 ...................................................13
4.2 并联电容器的装设位置 ..............................................13
4.3 并联电容器控制与保护 ..............................................14
4.4 并联电容器的运行维护 ..............................................15
4.5架空线路的运行维护................................................. 16
4.6、电缆线路的运行维护 ................................................19
4.7 车间配电线路的运行维护 ............................................20
第五章厂供电系统的调度管理 ............................................21
致谢................................................................... 26
参考文献 ...............................................................26

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