论文编号:JD266 论文字数:19927,页数:29
Wireless communication technology hot spot and
trend of development
[Abstract]:Because wireless communication network existence band width demand and motion network band width insufficient contradiction, user region distribution and to application demand not balanced contradictory as well as different technical superiority and insufficient coexistence contradiction, therefore, had decided the development wireless communication network needs to synthesize utilizes each technological means that embarks from the overall situation and the long-term judgment, adopts integrated the mentality plan and the construction network. Displays different technical the individuality, the comprehensive layout, the solution zones of different, the different user group to the band width and the service different demand, achieve the wireless communication network the overall superiority and the synthesizing capacity.
[Keywords]:Wireless communication network; synthesizing capacity; mentality plan
摘要 1
全球趋势 2
第二章举世瞩目的3G 3
2.1 3G终端发展现状 4
2.2 单模、双模和多模终端共存 4
2.3 智能化、多媒体化趋势明显 4
2.4 趋势分析 5
第三章 3.5GHzMMDS宽带固定无线接入的推广应用 6
3.1 MMDS终端发展现状 6
3.2 主要技术优势和特点 7
3.2.1 网络建设方 7
3.2.2 业务能力方面 7
3.2.3 市场运行方面 7
3.2.4 网络传输方面 7
3.2.5 在频率资源和覆盖方面 8
3.3 趋势分析 8
第四章沸沸扬扬的WLAN标准之争 10
4.1 WLAN终端发展现状 10
4.2 WLAN技术介绍 11
4.2.1 传输方式 11
4.2.2 网络拓扑 12
4.2.3 网络接口 13
4.3 趋势分析 13
第五章宽带无线技术新宠WiMAX 14
5.1 WIMAX终端发展现状 14
5.2 什么是WiMAX 15
5.3 WiMAX 进展 15
5.4 趋势分析 17
第六章超宽带无线接入技术UWB 19
6.1 UWB终端发展现状 19
6.2 趋势分析 20
结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25