论文编号:JD1026 论文字数:14121,页数:31
摘要:电镀是改变固体材料表面特性的一种方法,它一般可分为直流电镀、周期换向电镀和脉冲电镀。采用脉冲电镀可以获得比采用直流电镀更优良的镀层性能。目前,脉冲电镀电源中电流容量大的,只有方波,有的还不具有恒流功能,但采用先前的方法,电流容量不大,效率低,满足不了大零件电镀的需要。另外,电镀工艺还要求电镀用的脉冲电源具有恒流/恒压、脉冲频率、以及电压、电流可调节的特点。因此,本文开发了一种具有高效率、大功率、多波形、频率调节范围宽、恒压/恒流、 体积重量小等特点的脉冲电镀电源。它能够有效改进现有脉冲电镀电源的不足,给电镀的生产和研究提供更多的益处。
关键词: 脉冲电镀;多波形脉冲电源;信号源
The Design of Pulse Galvanization Power Source
Abstract:Electroplating is a method which can change the surface performance of the solid materials .It is generally divide into DC electroplating, commutation cycle electroplating and pulse electroplating. Adopting pulse electroplating can obtain more excellent performance of the plating layer than the traditional DC electroplating. At present , the pulse electroplating powers can supply large current capacity but only square wave, and some do not have the function of constant current .However, it will exist small current capacity, low efficiency and insufficient to meet the need of electroplating to large parts. In addition, the electroplating process also requires the electroplating pulse power with constant current or constant pressure, pulse frequency, and adjustable voltage and Current .In this paper, therefore, a new pulse electroplating power is developed , which has many advantages, such as high efficiency, high power, multi-wave, wide range of frequency adjustment, the constant voltage or constant current, smallness in size and lightness in weight. It can effectively improve the disadvantages of the pulse electroplating power, and it will offer more benefits for the production and research to electroplating.
Key words: Pulse Electroplating ; Multi-Wave Pulse Power; Signal Source
目 录
1.绪论 1
2.脉冲电镀性能分析及其方安确定 2
2.1 脉冲电镀改进方向和技术参考 2
2.1.1脉冲波形 2
2.1.2脉冲参数参考 3
2.1.3阴阳极导线的载流量 3
2.2电镀电源的技术指标,方案确定 4
2.2.1技术指标 4
2.2.2方案确定 4
3.设计详解 7
3.1脉冲电镀电源各部分功能 7
3.1.1整流部分 7
3.1.2斩波稳流、稳压部分 8
3.1.3对恒流或恒压源进行PWM调制 12
3.1.4驱动电源、工作电源 18
3.1.5过流、过压保护 18
3.2硬件结构 18
3.2.1绝缘栅双机晶体管(IGBT) 18
3.2.2IGBT的驱动(EXB841) 19
3.2.3UC2526脉宽调制器 20
3.2.4电流取样反馈单元 23
3.2.5电压取样反馈单元 23
3.2.6电压调节器AVR,电流调节器ACR 23
3.3参数计算 23
3.3.1脉冲变压器的参数计算 23
3.3.2整流二极管D41、D42的参数 24
3.3.3桥式逆变电路IGBT、Q31、Q32、Q33、Q34的参数 24
3.3.4耦合电容C35 24
3.3.5斩波开关管IGBT、Q21的参数 24
3.3.6滤波电感L的参数确定 25
3.3.7续流二极管D22参数 25
4.总结 26
参考文献 27
谢辞 28
附录1 30