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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/27


论文编号:JD1029  论文字数:24592,页数:45

摘    要


Design of Heat Therapy of Tumor Temperature Control System

 Hyperthermia is a science of using thermal bio-effect to treat tumors, which in recent 20 years has been further known on the basics of different subjects working together. Hyperthermia is another important treatment for cancer which followed by surgery, chemical therapy radio therapy and bio-therapy. The main task of Hyperthermia is to measure and control the fluid in cavity, which is to be presented in this paper. The suitable temperature sensor is also important, AD590 has been choosen in this paper.
 This paper aims to introduce the compositions, working theories and functions of Heat Therapy of Tumor Temperature Control System. The exacted temperature can be measured and controlled. Through AD590 as a temperature sensors,ADC0809 as A/D transducer, 80C51 as a controller of relay, the circuit’s construction is concise. Experiments show that the intelligent instrument is not only accurate, but also stable.
 It is valuable to automatically take control of temperature through MCU and software. With the constant improvement in technology and the development of sensors, Heat Therapy will play an important role in the treatment of cancer.
KEYWORDS:AD590;ADC0809;Heat Therapy;Temperature Control

目    录

引    言 1
第1章 绪论 2
1.1 高温治疗的物理基础 2
1.2 临床测温控温的要求 3
1.3 热疗的发展趋势及目前存在的问题 3
1.4 课题的作用 4
第2章 系统方案的选择 5
2.1 系统方案方块图 5
第3章 温度信号的采集与放大 6
3.1 AD590的简介 6
3.2 信号放大器的设计 7
3.3 AD590的应用电路 9
第4章 单片机系统 10
4.1 模数转换器的选择 11
4.1.1 典型A/D转换器芯片ADC0809 11
4.1.2 ADC0809与80C51的接口 13
4.2 80C51时钟电路 14
4.3 复位电路 15
4.4 LED显示接口电路 17
4.5 控制策略 18
第5章 软件部分 20
5.1 软件流程图 20
5.2 软件介绍 20
5.2.1 A/D 转换测量子程序 20
5.2.2 温度计算子程序 21
5.2.3温度值转换为十进制数程序 21
5.2.4 显示子程序 22
5.2.5延时子程序 23
5.2.6继电器控制子程序 23
结论与展望 24
致    谢 25
参考文献 26
附录A 硬件电路图 27
附录B 外文文献及翻译 28
附录C 主要参考文献及摘要 35
附录D 参考程序 37

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