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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD265    论文字数:19145,页数:32

关键词:电力系统; 发电变电 ;输电配电
Discusses the 10KV power supply system shallowly the relay protection

Abstract:In the electrical power system, each kind of type, the massive electrical equipment through the electrical line joins closely in together.Because its cover region is extremely vast, the movement environment is extremely complex as well as each human factor, the electrical failure occurrence is inevitable. As a result of the electrical power system particularity, the above five links should be are linked together, balance at times, indispensably, also is nearly completes during the same period of time.Has the accident in electrical power system any, all has the possibility to have the significant influence to the electrical power system movement.
Key word: The electrical power system electricity generation changes the electricity electric transmission power distribution

目   录
毕业论文任务书 2
毕业论文开题报告书 4
摘要 6
第一章  序言 7
第1.1节  10KV供电系统在电力系统中的重要位置  7
第1.2节  10KV系统中应配置的继电保护 8
第1.3节  10KV系统中继电保护的配置现状 9
第二章  10KV配电的技术应用 9
第2.1节  10KV配电带电作业 9
第2.2节  配电系统电压分析 11
第三章  10kV配电线路与系统的整定计算 13
第3.1节  10kV配电线路 13
第3.2节  配电线路的整定计算 14
第3.3节  配电系统单相接地的危害 17
第四章  10KV系统中的继电保护 18
第4.1节  10KV继电保护的基本概念  18
第4.2节  继电保护的常见类型 21
第五章  电力系统继电保护技术的应用 28
第5.1节  继电保护技术应用故障分析 28
参 考 文 献 31

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