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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD700  论文字数:14537,页数:40

摘  要

激光打标机是一种新兴的机、光、电一体化设备,其应用范围日益广泛 。激光打标机主要用于在金属、非金属材料表面刻划出字符和图形,在许多行业中都有着广泛的应用。然而现在对激光打标机的控制还不够完善,很多产品都存在一些问题。

关键词:激光打标; 工控机; DSP5402; CCS2.0; HPI接口


Laser Marking Machine is a new equipment that integrated of machine , light and electricity, its application scope is widespread day by day. Laser Marking Machines mainly used in metal, non-metallic materials to described characters and graphics in them surface, has the widespread application in many professions. However Laser Marking Machine control has not to be very perfect now, many products have some problems.
Along with processing chip unceasing appearance, Laser Marking controller gradually transfer from the traditional control of the microcontroller to control of DSP, Then emerged the situation that the DSP overall instead of SCM. In order to overcome and avoid the problems that have appearance in many Laser Marking system, This design uses the combination control of the IPC and DSP. The Laser Marking control system works:it runs application software on IPC to generated Laser Marking data, 104 bus interface sent the data to the DSP,DSP will do some Processing, such as correction, interpolation, and make time delay function ,due to DSP with two timers, this system can be achieved laser marking machine timing requirements., DSP the data certain processing, like the adjustment, the interpolation and so on, make certain time delay function, because the DSP interior has two timers, may achieve the laser to hit the sign machine request fixed time. Latter transforms through DA the digital signal into the simulated signal, outputs to Laser Marking Machine. Then DAC will convert digital signals to analog signals, output to control laser marking machine.
This design has realized Laser Marking control card''s design with the DSP5402 chip as the processing chip to the laser, could very good completion of the laser control tasks, can overcome shortcomings, such as marking slow and low timing accuracy .This article introduced the background, the present situation and the development of Laser Marking technology; has related CCS2.0 in detail which is the development environment of DSP5402, the DSP5402 peripheral circuit''s design, and introduced briefly \ 104 bus interfaces and DSP5402 HPI connection。In the software design aspect, mainly introduced the HPI interface''s data transmission and the data processing in DSP5402, introduced the interpolation algorithm principle briefly.
Keywords: Laser Marking Machine; IPC; DSP5402; CCS2.0; HPI interface
目 录
1  绪论 1
1.1  激光打标概述 1
1.2  激光打标技术的现状与发展 1
1.3  激光打标系统的一般组成 2
1.4  目前激光打标的几种控制方案 3
1.4.1  单片机控制的激光打标系统 3
1.4.2  计算机和单片机相结合控制的激光打标系统 3
1.4.3  计算机控制的激光打标系统 3
1.4.4  工控机和DSP相结合的激光打标系统 4
2  嵌入式激光打标机运动控制卡硬件系统 5
2.1  硬件系统框图 5
2.2  芯片选型 5
2.2.1  DSP的选型 5
2.2.2  存储器的选型 6
2.2.3  DAC的选型 6
2.3  接口介绍 6
2.3.1  DSP的HPI接口 6
2.3.2  工控机104总线接口介绍 7
2.3.3  DSP5402的串行口MCBSP 9
2.4  DSP外围电路设计 10
2.4.1  电源电路设计 10
2.4.2  复位电路的设计 11
2.4.3 时钟电路的设计 13
2.4.4  DSP存储器和I/O的扩展 14
2.5  本章小结 16
3  DSP5000系列的运行环境CCS5000 17
3.1  CCS的简介 17
3.2  CCS的开发系统主要组件构成 17
3.3  CCS的主要功能 18
3.4  CCS文件名介绍 19
3.5  CCS的基本操作 19
3.5.1  CCS的窗口和工具条 19
3.5.2  反汇编窗口的使用 20
3.5.3  存储器窗口的使用 21
3.5.4 寄存器窗口的使用 24
3.5.5  观察窗口的使用 25
3.6  CCS软件开发流程 25
3.7  本章小结 26
4  嵌入式激光打标机运动控制卡的软件设计 27
4.1  插补算法 27
4.1.1  插补原理 27
4.1.2  直线插补 28
4.1.3  圆弧插补 28
4.2  数据的传输及处理 29
4.2.1  HPI主机接口的数据传输 29
4.2.2  DSP对数据处理 29
4.2.3  数据处理流程图 30
4.3  本章小结 31
5  结束语 32
5.1  全文总结 32
5.2  本设计创新之处 32
5.3  研究展望 32
参考文献 33
致 谢 34

  • 上一篇资讯: 液晶控制模块的制作
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